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Creating Misc Joints

GittyNittyH edited this page Dec 7, 2022 · 5 revisions

Prismatic Joint: It provides a linear sliding movement between two bodies, and is often called a slider, as in the slider-crank linkage.

Rope Joint: It is an inextensible and unbreakable joint between any two bodies. Just select the icon in the Joint toolbar and click and drag the mouse to create a rope joint. Rope Joint gets slacked when its in compression.

Weld Joint: It is a kind of permanent joint that does not allow any motion and fixes the body to the background world or to another body.

This video will help you understand the above mentioned points.

Misc Joints

This video will help you make joints in various scenarios completely

Misc Joint Cons

Wheel Joint: This Joint when used on a body provides a constraint on it to rotate around another body, just like a wheel. Here is a video describing subtle difference between toy cart made with help of wheel joint and with help of hinge.

Hinge vs Wheel Joint

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