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The Titanic Survivor Service combines data analysis, machine learning, deployment, and web development to provide a captivating exploration of the Titanic disaster. By offering insights into passenger survival probabilities, showcases the power of data-driven decision-making and predictive analytics, while commemorating the historical event.


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Titanic Survivor Service

The Goal of the Project

The Titanic Survivor Service is a Python-based application designed to provide information about passengers who survived the Titanic disaster. The project aims to offer a simple API for predicting the survivors with the help of provided input data based on various information about the passenger such as age, sex, title, cabin, fare, and embankment status.

Which Technologies I Used

Python: De facto standard programming language of the machine learning applications.

FastAPI: Utilized for building the API due to its high performance, easy-to-use interface, and automatic interactive documentation generation.

pytest: Employed for testing purposes to ensure the reliability and correctness of the codebase.

Docker: Utilized for containerization, facilitating easy deployment and reproducibility across different environments.

Table of Contents

How to Setup the Environment

Fork the project or Copy repo on local

  • Forking the project: If you intend to contribute to the project or modify it for your own purposes, it's recommended to fork the repository first. This creates a copy of the repository under your GitHub account, allowing you to freely make changes without affecting the original project. You can fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button on the GitHub repository page.
  • Copy the repository locally: If you just want to use the project without contributing or modifying it, you can simply clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
    • git clone

Create the Virtual Environment

Before running the project, it's advisable to set up a virtual environment to isolate its dependencies from other projects on your system. Follow these steps to create and activate a virtual environment:

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your terminal or command prompt and change your current directory to the project directory where you cloned or copied the repository.

cd titanic-survivor-service

  1. Create the Virtual Environment: Use the python -m venv command to create a virtual environment. This command creates a folder containing all the necessary Python executables and libraries for the environment.

python -m venv venv

  1. Activate the Virtual Environment:
    • On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
    • On macOS and Linux: source venv/bin/activate

Install Dependencies

Once the virtual environment is activated, you need to install the project dependencies using pip. This ensures that all the required libraries are available within the virtual environment and don't conflict with other projects.

  1. Install Model Package Requirements: Navigate to the model-package/ directory and install the required dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.
  • pip install -r model-package/requirements/requirements.txt
  1. Install Titanic Survivor App Requirements:
  • pip install -r titanic-survivor-app/requirements/requirements.txt
  1. Install the Model Package Wheel: Additionally, install the model package wheel. This wheel contains the necessary components for the machine learning model used by the application. Please be aware of the model version, and in case of any modifications on the Model Package wheel, update the file name and reinstall the updated package. Please visit Create a Model Package Wheel section to get detailed instructions about updating the model package, and it's wheel file.
  • pip install titanic-survivor-app/requirements/titanic_classification_model-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Once you have completed these steps, the environment setup is complete, and you can proceed to run tests, use the service, or make modifications to the project as needed.

Create a Model Package Wheel

If one wants to change some parts of the project and use modified model package, the steps below can be followed:

  • cd model-package
  • Change the version on VERSION file
  • Create new distribution wheel with python bdist_wheel
  • Replace the newly built wheel from model-package/dist/titanic_classification_model-${YOUR_VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl to titanic-survivor-app/requirements/titanic_classification_model-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
  • Go back to root directory with cd ..
  • To avoid getting wheel from cache(This step can be skipped if it is certain that there isn't cached wheel for the
  • new version of package), uninstall the package with pip uninstall titanic-classification-model
  • Install the new model package from the created wheel file with pip install titanic-survivor-app/requirements/titanic_classification_model-${YOUR_VERSION}-py3-none-any.whl

How to Run Tests

Running tests ensures that the code behaves as expected and helps maintain its reliability and correctness. In this project, tests are organized into different directories corresponding to different components of the application.

  1. Model Package Tests
  • pytest model-package/tests
  1. Titanic Survivor App Tests
  • pytest titanic-survivor-app/app/tests

Running these tests will execute the test cases defined in the respective directories, ensuring that the model package and the application components work as expected. If any test fails, pytest will provide detailed information about the failure, helping identify and fix any issues in the codebase.

It's good practice to run tests regularly, especially after making changes to the code, to catch and address any regressions or bugs early in the development process.

How to Use the Service

The Titanic Survivor Service provides a simple API to access information about passengers who survived the Titanic disaster. You can interact with the service by sending HTTP requests to its endpoints using tools like cURL, Postman, or by making HTTP requests from your application.

Train Pipeline

Before using the service, you may need to train the machine learning model pipeline to ensure accurate predictions. Follow the below code snippet to train the pipeline:

  • Train the model: python model-package/classification_model/

Get Predictions

Once the model pipeline is trained, you can use the service to make predictions on new data or test sets. Follow these steps to get predictions:

  • Predict with new data or test set: python model-package/classification_model/

Important to note that, a pipeline should be trained and saved before getting predictions. Inside the model package, there are some implementations to throw an error, or automatically train a baseline pipeline when the user tries to make predictions without having a trained pipeline. Nonetheless, it is advised to manually train a pipeline before making predictions.

Run the App

To interact with the service via its API endpoints, follow these steps to run the application:

  1. Navigate to the Titanic Survivor App Directory:
  • cd titanic-survivor-app
  1. Run the FastAPI application using the uvicorn command:
  • uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8001 OR
  1. Directly run the app with prepared script:
  • sh ./
  • Then visit http://localhost:8001/

Containerize with Docker

If you prefer to containerize the service for easy deployment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Build the Docker Image:
  • docker build --no-cache -t titanic-survivor-service:1.1.0 -f Dockerfile .
    • --no-cache flag is used to have clean build, otherwise some minor changes may not be executed in order to fasten the build process.
    • -t flag is useful to tag the image. In this example, out tag is same as the release. If you want to create an image instance directly on your Docker Hub, you can modify the command as docker build --no-cache -t ${YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME}/ titanic-survivor-service:1.1.0 -f Dockerfile ..
    • -f flag will help you to point out the docker file name you want to build from. "Dockerfile" is the default value. Docker file name is followed by "." path indicator.
  1. Run the Docker Container:
  • docker run -it -p 8001:8001/tcp --name container-titanic-survivor-service titanic-survivor-service:1.1.0
    • -it flag uses the interactive terminal.
    • -p flag is used for linking the containers port to our local machines port.
    • --name flag instantiate the container with the given name, otherwise it would be assigned randomly.
    • If we build the image directly on Docker Hub, we need to give image from there. In this case, image name would be ${YOUR_DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME}/titanic-survivor-service:1.1.0
  1. The service will be accessible athttp://localhost:8001/

About Author

I'm Sinan Gültekin, a Machine Learning Engineer based in Italy.

For any suggestions or questions, you can contact me via

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


The Titanic Survivor Service combines data analysis, machine learning, deployment, and web development to provide a captivating exploration of the Titanic disaster. By offering insights into passenger survival probabilities, showcases the power of data-driven decision-making and predictive analytics, while commemorating the historical event.








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