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Baertram edited this page Jul 31, 2022 · 18 revisions

This widget is not included into LibAddonMenu and needs to be separately download from

This widget needs the library LibShifterBox as depencency: LibShifterBox API and callbacks:

DualListBox example image


  1. Button to move all selected entries to the right
  2. Button to move all selected entries to the left
  3. Button to move all entries to the right
  4. Button to move all entries to the left
  5. Drag drop selected entries(left/right)
  6. Sort left / right list with a header button
  7. Callbacks upon move, highlight, mouseOver of entries, according to documnetation of LibShifterBox

Data Table

property type default required description
type string - yes The widget type of this control ("duallistbox")
reference string nil no A unique global reference to the control
width string "full" no "full" or "half" width in the panel
minHeight number 26 no number for the minimum height of this control. Standard is (rowMinHeight = 25) multiplied by 5
maxHeight number 4*minHeight no number for the maximum height of this control. Standard is (minHeight)
getFuncLeftList function - yes function() return db.leftListTable, -- returning a table of the left list entries. The table returned MUST BE CHANGABLE via this pointer!
getFuncRightList function - yes function() return db.rightListTable, -- returning a table of the right list entries. The table returned MUST BE CHANGABLE via this pointer!
setFuncLeftList function - yes function(listEntries) db.leftListTable = listEntries end -- Saving a table for the left list entries, where table uses a unique number (accross left & right list!) key and a String as value,
setFuncRightList function - yes function(listEntries) db.rightListTable= listEntries -- Saving a table for the right list entries, where table uses a unique number (accross left & right list!) key and a String as value,
defaultLeftList table - yes { [1] = "Test", [2] = "Test2" } --table or function returning a table with the default entries at the left list (optional). Left and right list's keys must be unique in total!
defaultRightList table - yes { [3] = "Value1", [4] = "Value2" } --table or function returning a table with the default entries at the right list (optional). Left and right list's keys must be unique in total!
resetFunc function - no function(customControl) our code to reset the 2 listBoxes now. customControl.dualListBox provides functions ClearLeftList(), ClearRightList(), AddEntriesToLeftList(listEntries), AddEntriesToRightList(listEntries) end ,
refreshFunc function - no function(customControl) end -- function to call when panel/controls refresh (optional) ,
disabled boolean, function false no Determines if the duallistbox is disabled and its entries cannot be changed
setupData table { ... see below at "SetupData description" ... } yes The overall dual list box control setup data, containing name, width/height, and other parameters of LibShifterBox API/callbacks in a subTable customSettings

SetupData description

property type default required description
name string - yes My DualListBox", string id or function returning a string
width number 50 yes number or function returning a number for the width of both list boxes together. If > the width of the LAM control container then the width will be the LAM control container's width.
height number 26 yes number or function returning a number for the height of both list boxes together. minHeight of the LAM control needs to be >= this value! If > maxHeight then maxHeight of the LAM contro will be used.
customSettings table { ... see below at "customSettings description" ... } yes The custom setup parameters of LibShifterBox API/callbacks

customSettings description

property type default required description
showMoveAllButtons boolean yes no the >> and << buttons to move all entries can be hidden if set to false (default = true). (optional)
dragDropEnabled boolean yes no entries can be moved between lsit with drag-and-drop (default = true)
sortEnabled boolean yes no sorting of the entries can be disabled (default = true)
sortBy string "value" no sort the list by value or key (allowed are: "value" or "key") (default = "value")
leftList table { ... see below at "leftList description" ... } yes The custom setup parameters of LibShifterBox left list
rightList table { ... see below at "rightList description" ... } yes The custom setup parameters of LibShifterBox right list
callbackRegister table { ... see below at "callbackRegister description" ... } yes The custom setup parameters of LibShifterBox callbacks

leftList description

property type default required description
title string "" no the title/header of the list (default = "")
rowHeight number 32 no the height of an individual row/entry (default = 32)
rowTemplateName string "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate" no an individual XML (cirtual) control can be provided for the rows/entries (default = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate"). (optional)
emptyListText string GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY) no the text to be displayed if there are no entries left in the list (default = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY))
fontSize number 18 no size of the font (default = 18)
rowDataTypeSelectSound Sound "" no an optional String for an internal soundName to play when a row of this data type is selected (default = SOUNDS.ABILITY_SLOTTED).
rowOnMouseRightClick function nil no function(rowControl, data) end --an optional callback function when a right-click is done inside a row element (e.g. for custom context menus)
rowSetupCallback function nil no function(rowControl, data) end -- function that will be called when a control of this type becomes visible
rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback function nil no function(rowControl, data) end -- an optional function to extended data table of the row with additional data during the 'rowSetupCallback'
rowResetControlCallback function nil no function(rowControl, data) end -- an optional callback function when the datatype control gets reset

rightList description

See leftList description, the parameters at the rightList subtable are the same.

callbackRegister description

property type default required description
LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER function nil no function(rowControl, shifterBox, data) d("LSB: LeftListRowOnMouseEnter") end
LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER function nil no function(rowControl, shifterBox, data) d("LSB: RightListRowOnMouseEnter") end

For a complete list of the events please visit the LibShifterBox documentation: Search for "ShifterBox:RegisterCallback"


--SavedVariables example: Defaults
local defaults = {
    --Attention: Left and right list MUST have unique keys in combination: Means same key cannot be in both tables!
    --If you use resetFunc at the widget to clear the left list and right list manually make sure to always clear both tables
    --before trying to add new entries! Else the keys might still be in rightList as you try to add default keys (with same key) in leftList e.g.
   leftList = { [1] = "Test 1", [2] = "Test 2" },
   rightList = { [3] = "Test 3", [4] = "Test 4"}
--SavedVariables example: SV table
local settings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide(MyAddonSVTableName, 1, "settingsForAll", defaults, GetWorldName())

--settings.testLeftList = {} --If SavedVariables are empty: should be filled from defaults SV "defaults" via entry defaultLeftList 
--settings.testRightList = {} --If SavedVariables are empty: should be filled from defaults SV "defaults" via entry defaultRightList

--For the LAM optionsData at you panel's data
            type        = "duallistbox",
            name        = "MyAddonCustomControlName",
            reference   = "MyAddonCustomControl", -- unique name for your control to use as reference (optional) The <reference>.dualListBox is the direct reference to the dual list box control then
            refreshFunc = function(customControl) end, -- function to call when panel/controls refresh (optional)
            width       = "full", -- or "half" (optional)
            minHeight   = function() return 26 end, --or number for the minimum height of this control. Default: 26 (optional)
            maxHeight   = function() return 300 end, --or number for the maximum height of this control. Default: 4 * minHeight (optional)

            getFuncLeftList = function() return settings.testLeftList end,
            setFuncLeftList = function(values) settings.testLeftList = values end,
            getFuncRightList = function() return settings.testRightList end,
            setFuncRightList = function(values) settings.testRightList = values end,
            defaultLeftList =  defaults.leftList, --table or function returning a table with the default entries at the left list (optional). Left and right list's keys must be unique in total!
            defaultRightList = defaults.leftList, --table or function returning a table with the default entries at the right list (optional). Left and right list's keys must be unique in total!
            resetFunc = function(customControl) your code to reset the 2 listBoxes now. customControl.dualListBox provides functions ClearLeftList(), ClearRightList(), AddEntriesToLeftList(listEntries), AddEntriesToRightList(listEntries)  end, (optional)
            -- -v- The dual lists setup data                                                                                -v-
            setupData   = {
                --The overall dual list box control setup data
                name                 = "LAM_DUALLISTBOX_EXAMPLE1",
                width                = 580, --number of function returning a number for the width of both list boxes together
                height               = 200, --number of function returning a number for the height of both list boxes together. minHeight of the LAM control needs to be >= this value!
                ----  -v- The custom settings for the dual lists                                                            -v-
                --The setup data for the lists
                -->The custom settings are defined via the library LibShifterBox. You can find the documentation here:
                -->    Search for "customSettings"
                customSettings       = {
                    enabled            = true, -- boolean value or function returning a boolean to tell if the dual list box widget is enabled (default = true)? (optional)
                    showMoveAllButtons = true, -- the >> and << buttons to move all entries can be hidden if set to false (default = true). (optional)
                    dragDropEnabled    = true, -- entries can be moved between lsit with drag-and-drop (default = true). (optional)
                    sortEnabled        = true, -- sorting of the entries can be disabled (default = true). (optional)
                    sortBy             = "value", -- sort the list by value or key (allowed are: "value" or "key")  (default = "value"). (optional)
                    disabled = function()
                        FCOUS.disabledLSB = FCOUS.disabledLSB or false
                        return FCOUS.disabledLSB

                    leftList           = {                -- list-specific settings that apply to the LEFT list
                        title                          = "Title left", -- the title/header of the list (default = ""). (optional)
                        rowHeight                      = 32, -- the height of an individual row/entry (default = 32). (optional)
                        rowTemplateName                = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate", -- an individual XML (cirtual) control can be provided for the rows/entries (default = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate"). (optional)
                        emptyListText                  = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY), -- the text to be displayed if there are no entries left in the list (default = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY)). (optional)
                        fontSize                       = 18, -- size of the font (default = 18). (optional)
                        rowDataTypeSelectSound         = "ABILITY_SLOTTED", -- an optional sound to play when a row of this data type is selected (default = "ABILITY_SLOTTED"). (optional)
                        rowOnMouseRightClick           = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- an optional callback function when a right-click is done inside a row element (e.g. for custom context menus) (optional)
                            d("LSB: left OnMouseRightClick: " .. tostring(data.tooltipText))   -- reading custom 'tooltipText' from 'rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback'
                        rowSetupCallback               = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- function that will be called when a control of this type becomes visible (optional)
                            d("LSB: left RowSetupCallback")                      -- Calls self:SetupRowEntry, then this function, finally ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow
                        rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- an optional function to extended data table of the row with additional data during the 'rowSetupCallback' (optional)
                            d("LSB: left SetupAdditionalDataCallback")
                            data.tooltipText = data.value
                            return rowControl, data                         -- this callback function must return the rowControl and (enriched) data again
                        rowResetControlCallback        = function()
                            -- an optional callback function when the datatype control gets reset (optional)
                            d("LSB: left RowResetControlCallback")

                    rightList          = {               -- list-specific settings that apply to the RIGHT list
                        title                          = "Title right",
                        --rowHeight = 32,
                        --rowTemplateName = "ShifterBoxEntryTemplate",
                        --emptyListText = GetString(LIBSHIFTERBOX_EMPTY),
                        --fontSize = 18,
                        --rowDataTypeSelectSound = "ABILITY_SLOTTED",
                        rowOnMouseRightClick           = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- an optional callback function when a right-click is done inside a row element (e.g. for custom context menus) (optional)
                            d("LSB: right OnMouseRightClick: " .. tostring(data.tooltipText))   -- reading custom 'tooltipText' from 'rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback'
                        rowSetupCallback               = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- function that will be called when a control of this type becomes visible (optional)
                            d("LSB: right RowSetupCallback")                      -- Calls self:SetupRowEntry, then this function, finally ZO_SortFilterList.SetupRow
                        rowSetupAdditionalDataCallback = function(rowControl, data)
                            -- an optional function to extended data table of the row with additional data during the 'rowSetupCallback' (optional)
                            d("LSB: right SetupAdditionalDataCallback")
                            data.tooltipText = data.value
                            return rowControl, data                         -- this callback function must return the rowControl and (enriched) data again
                        rowResetControlCallback        = function()
                            -- an optional callback function when the datatype control gets reset (optional)
                            d("LSB: right RowResetControlCallback")

                    --Callbacks that fire as a list is created, filled, cleared, entry is slected, unselected, row mouseOver, row mouseExit, dragDropStart, dragDropEnd, etc. happens
                    callbackRegister   = {                                    -- directly register callback functions with any of the exposed events
                        [LibShifterBox.EVENT_LEFT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER]  = function(rowControl, shifterBox, data)
                            d("LSB: LeftListRowOnMouseEnter")
                        [LibShifterBox.EVENT_RIGHT_LIST_ROW_ON_MOUSE_ENTER] = function(rowControl, shifterBox, data)
                            d("LSB: RightListRowOnMouseEnter")

                ----  -^- The custom settings for the dual lists                                                            -^-

Known problems:

The LAM reset to defaults will start to work as LibAddonMenu-2.0 will integrate the needed changes to panel.lua, function ForceDefaults(panel): Add new support: