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Baertram edited this page May 31, 2024 · 21 revisions

This widget is not included into LibAddonMenu and needs to be separately download from

OrderListBox example image


  1. Button to move a selected entry 1 up
  2. Button to move a selected entry 1 down
  3. Button to move a selected entry to the top
  4. Button to move a selected entry to the bottom
  5. All buttons can be disabled via the orderListBoxData table
  6. Drag & drop of an entry (up and down)
  7. Show dragged list entry text as label near the cursor
  8. Auto scroll up/down if dragging entries to the upper/lower part of the list
  9. Drag & drop can be disabled via the orderListBoxData table
  10. Show number of position in front of the text of an entry
  11. Number of position is disabled by default via the orderListBoxData table
  12. Show value of entry after the entry text (surrounded by [])
  13. Show value of entry after the tooltip text of an entry (surrounded by [])
  14. Show button to open a "add new entry" dialog with multiple features (ZO_Dialog textbox with validation function, maxInputCharacters etc.)
  15. Show button to delete a selected entry (with "ask before" dialog, or w/o).

Data Table

property type default required description
type string - yes The widget type of this control ("orderlistbox")
name string - yes My OrderListBox", string id or function returning a string
getFunc function - yes function() return db.listEntries, -- (table containing the list entries)
setFunc function - yes function(orderedListEntries) db.listEntries = orderedListEntries
tooltip number, string, function nil no "OrderListBox's tooltip text.", or string id or function returning a string
width string "full" no "full" or "half" width in the panel
isExtraWide boolean false no Draws the listbox extra wide
minHeight number 125 no number for the minimum height of this control. Standard is (rowMinHeight = 25) multiplied by 5
maxHeight number 125 no number for the maximum height of this control. Standard is (minHeight)
rowHeight number 25 no function() return db.rowHeightNumber end, --or number for the height of the row of the entries in listEntries. Default: 25 (optional)
rowTemplate String "LAM2_Orderlistbox_
no String or function returning String defining the XML virtual template control for a row of the listEntries (optional) Make sure to add the handlers OnDragStart and OnReceiveDrag to your virtual row template! Check XML file LAM2_orderlistbox_widget.xml, virtual control "LAM2_OrderListBox_Widget_Scrolllist_Row" as template!
rowFont String "ZoFontWinH4" no String or function returning a String of the font to use for the row (optional),
rowMaxLineCount number 1 no Number or function returning a number of the maximum text lines within the row. 1 = Only 1 text line, no wrapping, get's truncated. (optional)
rowSelectionTemplate String "ZO_ThinListHighlight" no String or function returning a String defining the XML virtual template control for the selection at a row of the listEntries (optional)
rowSelectedCallback function nil no function doStuffOnSelection(rowControl, previouslySelectedData, selectedData, reselectingDuringRebuild) end, An optional callback function when a row of the listEntries got selected. The standard selection callback function, adding the selection XML template, will always run BEFORE this optional one (optional)
rowHideCallback function nil no function doStuffOnHide(rowControl, currentRowData) end, An optional callback function when a row of the listEntries got hidden (optional)
dataTypeSelectSound String "NONE" no String or function returning a String of a sound from the global SOUNDS table. Will be played as any row containing the datatype (1) of the orderListBox will be selected (optional)
dataTypeResetControlCallback function nil no function doStuffOnReset(control) end, An optional callback function when the datatype control gets reset. (optional)
disableDrag boolean, function false no boolean or function returning a boolean (optional). Disable the drag&drop of the rows
disableButtons boolean, function false no function returning a boolean (optional). Disable the move up/move down/move to top/move to bottom buttons
showPosition boolean, function false no or function returning a boolean (optional). Show the position number in front of the list entry
showValue boolean, function false no or function returning a boolean (optional). Show the value of the entry after the list entry text, surrounded by []
showValueAtTooltip boolean, function false no or function returning a boolean (optional). Show the value of the entry after the tooltip text, surrounded by []
addEntryDialog table, function nil no or function returning a table. { title="Add new entry", text="Enter new text here", textType=TEXT_TYPE_ALL, buttonTexture="", maxInputCharacters=0, specialCharacters={"a", "b", "c"}, selectAll=false, defaultText="Type text here", validatesText=false, validator = function(text) return type(text) == "string" end, instructions=table (example See line below) }. If the table exists: Add an "Add value" button to the list which opens a dialog. Inside the table you can pass in additional data and options to the ZO_Dialog dialog, e.g. title, text, editbox in dialog only accepts digits -> TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC_UNSIGNED_INT, and other custom data. Example instructions = ZO_ValidNameInstructions:New(GetControl(self, "NameInstructions"), nil, { NAME_RULE_TOO_SHORT, NAME_RULE_CANNOT_START_WITH_SPACE, NAME_RULE_MUST_END_WITH_LETTER })
showRemoveEntryButton boolean, function false no or function returning a boolean (optional). Show a button to remove the currently selected entry
askBeforeRemoveEntry boolean, function false no or function returning a boolean (optional). If showRemoveEntryButton is enabled: Ask via a dialog if the entry should be removed
disabled boolean, function false no Determines if the order listbox is disabled and its value cannot be changed
requiresReload boolean false no Appends a special warning text and shows a reload button if the value is changed
default number, function nil no listEntries = defaults.listEntries , table of default date values (or default = defaultEntries, where defaultEntries is a table with the list entries) or a function that returns the list entries
helpUrl string, function - no A string URL "", or a function that returns one
reference string nil no A unique global reference to the control


settings.iconSortOrderEntries = {
        [1] = {
            value = "Value of the entry 1", -- or number or boolean or function returning the value of this entry
            uniqueKey = 1, --number of the unique key of this list entry. This will not change if the order changes. Will be used to identify the entry uniquely
            text  = "Text of this entry 1", -- or string id or function returning a string (optional)
            tooltip = "Tooltip text shown at this entry 1", -- or string id or function returning a string (optional)
        [2] = {
            value = "Value of the entry 2", -- or number or boolean or function returning the value of this entry
            uniqueKey = 2, --number of the unique key of this list entry. This will not change if the order changes. Will be used to identify the entry uniquely
            text  = "Text of this entry 2", -- or string id or function returning a string (optional)
            tooltip = "Tooltip text shown at this entry 2", -- or string id or function returning a string (optional)

    type = "orderlistbox",
    name = "Order list box 1",
    tooltip = "Tooltip of the order list box 1",
    listEntries = settings.iconSortOrderEntries,
    disableDrag = false,
    disableButtons = false,
    showPosition = false,
    getFunc = function() return settings.iconSortOrderEntries end,
    setFunc = function(sortedSortListEntries)
        settings.iconSortOrderEntries = sortedSortListEntries
        for idx, data in ipairs(sortedSortListEntries) do
            settings.icon[data.value].sortOrder = idx
            settings.iconSortOrder[idx] = data.value
    minHeight = 250,
    maxHeight = 400,
    disabled = function() return false  end,
    reference = "MyAddon_Settings_IconSortOrder_OrderListBox",
    disabled = function() return not settings.sortIcons end,
    default = defaultSettings.iconSortOrderEntries,
            addEntryDialog = {
                title="Add new value",
                text="Enter new value here",
                --specialCharacters={"a", "b", "c"},
                --defaultText = "Default text",
                --instructions = ZO_ValidNameInstructions:New(GetControl(self, "NameInstructions"), nil, { NAME_RULE_TOO_SHORT, NAME_RULE_CANNOT_START_WITH_SPACE, NAME_RULE_MUST_END_WITH_LETTER })
                validatesText = true,
                validator = function(text) return text ~= nil and text ~= "" end
            showRemoveEntryButton = true,
            askBeforeRemoveEntry = function() return true end