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remosito edited this page Jun 7, 2022 · 7 revisions

The description control can be used to add a text block to your settings panel.

A sample description control

Data Table

property type required description
type string yes The widget type of this control ("description")
text number, string, function yes The description text to display; will be hidden if an empty string is provided
title number, string, function no A title for the description block, appears in bold at the top
width string no "full" or "half" width in the panel
disabled function , boolean no function() return db.someBooleanSetting end, or boolean
enableLinks nil, true, handler no nil, true for default tooltips, or function OnLinkClicked handler see: OnLinkClicked
helpUrl string, function no A string URL "", or a function that returns one
reference string no A unique global reference to the control
tooltip number, string, function no The tooltip to display for the Description

Exposed Methods


This method updates the title and text of the description with changes to the data table.


LAM:RegisterOptionControls(panelName, {
		type = "description",
		title = "My Description",
		text = [[My very informative description text that can span
multiple \nrows,
have |cff0000color tags|r and |t14:14:/EsoUI/Art/Help/|t icons.]],
		reference = "MyAddonDescription"
}) = "My New Description Title"