Mobile app for Android and iOS that displays the times for all buses in São José dos Campos.
The goal of this project is to create a mobile application that displays information about the schedules for all buses in São José dos Campos, not requiring the user to have internet access (the app is completely Offline, because not all users have internet at any time).
The city does not provide the data in an open format, forcing us to create a WebCrawler to make the process of scraping and provide an REST api of schedules and itineraries of buses from São José dos Campos in JSON format. The entire source code of the Server Scrap are here.
The project was developed using Titanium Alloy Framework, it allows the app to be "published" on the Android and iOS platforms with same source code.
If you don't have NodeJS installed on your computer, install nvm to switch between NodeJS versions.
curl | sh
The Titanium CLI requires Node.js 0.8.x. You can download Node.js 0.10.x, but only Titanium SDK 3.1.0 and later will work.
nvm install v0.10.22 && nvm use v0.10.22
Install Titanium:
[sudo] npm install -g titanium
Install Alloy:
[sudo] npm install -g alloy
You will need to download a Titanium SDK 3.0 or newer:
# stable release (recommended)
titanium sdk install 3.1.2.GA --default
Before you begin using the Titanium CLI, you should configure it by running the "setup" command:
titanium setup
It will prompt you with a number of questions such as your e-mail address (for logging into the Appcelerator Network), the location of your Android SDK, and so on.
finally, run the application! :D
ti build -p iphone # Mac
ti build -p android # Others