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Fun.Blazor Nuget


This is a project to make F# developer to write blazor easier.

  1. Use F# ❤️😊 for blazor
  2. Computation expression (CE) style DSL for internal and third party blazor libraries
  3. Dependency injection (html.inject)
  4. Adaptive model (adaptiview/AdaptivieForm) (recommend), elmish model (html.elmish)
  5. Giraffe style routing (html.route/blazor official style)
  6. Type safe style (Fun.Css)
  7. Convert html to CE style by Fun.Dev.Tools

Check the WASM Docs for more 🚀

Start to use

dotnet new install Fun.Blazor.Templates::4.0.2
dotnet new fun-blazor -o FunBlazorDemo1

Requires dotnet 8

Code samples

// Functional style
let demo (str) = fragment {
    h2 { $"demo {str}" }
    p { "hi here" }

// Class style
type Foo() =
    inherit FunComponent()

    let mutable count = 0

    override _.Render() = main {
        h1 { "foo" }
        demo $"hi {count}"
        button {
            onclick (fun _ -> count <- count + 1)
            "Click me"

CE build performance

  • There is CE performance issue for inline or nest too much CE block.

There are some tests in here, in summary, below are some recommend ways for better build time performance (but it can reduce runtime performance because we cannot inline and need to allocate memory on head for creating array or list)

  • The best result is list-with-local-vars for multiple child items

    let demo1 = div {
        class' "font-bold"
    let demo2 = div {
        class' "font-bold"
    let comp = div {
        style { color "red" }
        childContent [| // 👌✅

    But you can also write like below even it will not build as fast as the above:

    let comp = div {
        style { color "red" }
        childContent [| // 👌✅
            div {
                class' "font-bold"
            div {
                class' "font-bold"
  • nested-one is kind of ok

    let comp = div {
        class' "font-bold"
        div { // 👌✅
            class' "font-bold"

    But still prefer childContent:

    let comp = div {
       class' "font-bold"
       childContent (div { // 👌✅✅
           class' "font-bold"
  • nested-one-one is not ok (bad for build perf)

    let comp = div {
        class' "font-bold"
        div {
            class' "font-bold"
            div { // ⛔🙅
                class' "font-bold"

    Write like below:

    let comp = div {
        class' "font-bold"
        div {
            class' "font-bold"
            childContent [|  // 👌✅
                div {
                    class' "font-bold"
  • inline local vars is not ok (bad for build perf)

    let comp = div {
        class' "font-bold"
        let temp = div { // ⛔🙅
            class' "font-bold"

Local development

You can run dotnet fsi build.fsx -- -h to check what is available to help you get started.


BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.12, Windows 11 (10.0.22631.3007/23H2/2023Update/SunValley3) 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700H, 1 CPU, 20 logical and 14 physical cores .NET SDK 8.0.100 [Host] : .NET 8.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2 DEBUG DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.1 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2

Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD Gen0 Allocated Alloc Ratio
RenderWithRazorCSharp 234.1 ns 3.59 ns 3.36 ns 1.00 0.00 0.0298 376 B 1.00
RenderWithFunBlazorInlineCE 363.5 ns 4.14 ns 3.67 ns 1.55 0.03 0.0443 560 B 1.49
RenderWithFunBlazorArray 499.0 ns 9.82 ns 10.91 ns 2.14 0.05 0.1154 1448 B 3.85
RenderWithBolero 507.9 ns 9.74 ns 11.21 ns 2.17 0.07 0.1173 1480 B 3.94