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Supporting simultaneous multiple transports


This proposal aims to support multiple transports between Core and Proxy.


The initial motivation was to utilize Wi-Fi transport for apps that require high bandwidth, such as video projection apps. After discussions in SDLC workshop, it turned out that using Wi-Fi transport has a few limitations. For example, Wi-Fi transport may be disabled when an iOS app goes background or the iPhone's screen is locked. The app will be then unregistered from Core, so it will significantly decrease user's experience.

This proposal aims to address such limitations by utilizing multiple transports, for example iAP and Wi-Fi, at the same time. The app will start off with establishing iAP connection. Then, it will also open a TCP connection on Wi-Fi transport if it's available. iAP connection will be kept for RPC messaging and TCP connection is used for video/audio streaming. Even if Wi-Fi transport becomes unavailable, the app will not be unregistered as long as iAP connection is sustained.

Proposed solution

The basic idea is that:

  • After Proxy is connected to Core, it initiates another connection over a different transport. (Hereafter, the transport used by the first connection is called Primary Transport. The transport used by the additional connection is called Secondary Transport.)
  • Core tells Proxy which transport can be used as Secondary Transport.
  • Core and Proxy run some of the services on Secondary Transport. The services that are allowed on the Secondary Transport are specified by Core. Note that RPC and Hybrid services always run on Primary Transport.
  • Core notifies Proxy of the information that is necessary to establish a TCP connection.
  • Core's behavior on generating Session ID is changed, so that a unique Session ID is assigned to each app.

Following sections will describe the idea in more detail.

Starting Secondary Transport

Proxy should set up Secondary Transport as soon as it is notified of available transport types for Secondary Transport and information that is necessary to set up the transport becomes available. See Amendment #1

During Version Negotiation, Core includes additional information in Start Service ACK frame to notify Proxy of the available transport types for Secondary Transport. At this point, Proxy can initiate setting up Secondary Transport. Because the additional information is conveyed in Start Service ACK, Secondary Transport is always set up after RPC service is started on Primary Transport.

The available transport type for Secondary Transport can be configured through smartDeviceLink.ini file.

Note that some transports require additional information for configuration (for example, TCP transport requires IP address and TCP port number of Core). In such case, Proxy waits until the necessary information becomes available then initiates Secondary Transport.

After Secondary Transport is established, Proxy sends a control frame called Register Secondary Transport. This frame is required for Core to recognize that Proxy initiates Secondary Transport, because Core cannot know which transport belongs to which app(s) at transport layer's level. The Register Secondary Transport frame includes Session ID which has been provided by Start Service ACK frame on Primary Transport. (Please refer to the section "How Core determines that a single app initiates multiple transports".) Core receives Register Secondary Transport frame on Secondary Transport, remembers which Proxy uses which transports, then replies with Register Secondary Transport ACK frame.

When starting a service over Secondary Transport, Proxy simply runs the sequence of Start Service and Start Service ACK frames. The Start Service frame includes Session ID which has been provided by Start Service ACK frame on Primary Transport.

Transport disconnection

When Secondary Transport becomes unavailable, Core and Proxy should abort any services that are running on Secondary Transport.

Also, Proxy should retry setting up Secondary Transport on a regular interval, unless Core notifies Proxy of transport unavailability. For example, when Core sends Transport Event Update frame (see below section) with an empty IP address value, it means the TCP transport becomes unavailable. Proxy should not retry connection after receiving such frame. When Core sends Transport Event Update frame with a valid IP address (which indicates that TCP transport becomes available), Proxy should start trying Secondary Transport connection.

When Primary Transport becomes unavailable, Core and Proxy should stop Secondary Transport.

Notification of the information required to set up TCP transport

To set up a TCP transport, Proxy needs to know the IP address and TCP port number on which Core is listening. A new Control Frame is proposed to convey the information. It is called Transport Event Update frame and is sent by Core to Proxy on Primary Transport. It should not be sent prior to Version Negotiation.

The reason that we do not include the information in Start Service ACK frame is that Wi-Fi feature may not be available at the time of Version Negotiation. For example, consider a case where a head unit can turn off its Wi-Fi feature through user's operation. The user can turn on Wi-Fi after an SDL app is connected to Core, i.e. after the app exchanges Start Service and Start Service ACK frames.

The reason that we use a Control Frame rather than RPC Notification is simply because we would like to keep transport related information in protocol layer. RPC should concentrate on exchanging application-level information.

Services that are allowed on each transport

During Version Negotiation, Core includes parameters called audioServiceTransports and videoServiceTransports through Start Service ACK frame describing which service is allowed to run on which transports (Primary, Secondary or both). Proxy honors this information and starts services only on an allowed transport. These parameters can be configured through smartDeviceLink.ini file. Since RPC and Hybrid services always run on Primary Transport, only Video and Audio services are configurable.

Our primary use-case is to run Video and Audio services on Wi-Fi and USB transports, but not on Bluetooth transport which has low bandwidth. We can configure the parameters to support this scenario:

  • When Proxy is connected using Bluetooth as Primary Transport, it initiates Video and Audio services only after TCP connection is added as Secondary Transport. If Secondary Transport is disconnected, Proxy stops these services. It will start Video and Audio services again once Secondary Transport is reconnected.
  • When Proxy is connected using USB as Primary Transport, it initiates Video and Audio services on Primary Transport.

The transports included in the parameters are listed in preferred order, for example, Secondary > Primary. In case the priority of Secondary Transport is higher than that of Primary Transport, Proxy will stop and restart services when Secondary Transport is added or removed. For example, when Video service is running on Bluetooth Primary Transport then Wi-Fi transport is added as Secondary Transport, Proxy stops the service and starts another Video service on Wi-Fi transport. When Wi-Fi transport is then disconnected, Proxy stops the service and starts another Video service on Bluetooth Transport. Please note that since we do not have such use-case right now, implementation of this feature will be in low priority.

How Core determines that a single app initiates multiple transports

One of the issues arising from multiple-transports feature is that SDL Core needs to distinguish between two cases: "a single SDL app connecting to SDL Core using two different transports" and "two instances of a SDL app on two phones connecting to SDL Core using different transports". For this purpose, this document proposes to update the specification of how Core assigns Session IDs.

Currently Session ID is managed per transport, so it is possible that two apps receive same Session ID if they are connected through different transports. This behavior will be updated so that Core will assign different Session IDs to each app (i.e. Core will make sure to assign different Session IDs in each Version Negotiation procedure).

When Proxy sends a Register Secondary Transport or Start Service frame on Secondary Transport, it always includes the Session ID provided by Start Service ACK frame on Primary Transport. This means that Start Service frame will include a non-zero value for Session ID on Secondary Transport. Core uses the Session ID value to recognize which transports are used by a single Proxy. Core's implementation will be updated to accept Start Service frame with a known Session ID even if the frame is received through Secondary Transport.

The downside of this proposal is that maximum number of SDL apps that can connect to Core will be limited to 255.

Backward compatibility

Since we are adding a new Control Frame, the Protocol Version should be bumped, probably to 5.1.0. Core recognizes that Proxy supports multiple-transports feature by checking the version number.

New Proxy connecting to old version of Core: SDL Core that does not support multiple-transports feature does not include additional parameters in Start Service ACK frame. When Proxy detects that the parameters are missing, it should disable multiple-transport feature (i.e. don't start Secondary Transport and run all services on Primary Transport.)

Old version of Proxy connecting to new Core: Proxy that does not support multiple-transports feature uses Protocol version 5.0.0 or earlier. When SDL Core detects that the version is not 5.1.0 or higher, it should not include the additional parameters in Start Service ACK frame. It should also suppress sending Transport Event Update Control Frame since Proxy doesn't support it.

Recommendation on Wi-Fi frequency

This proposal was created in mind that a Bluetooth transport is used for Primary Transport and a Wi-Fi transport is used for Secondary Transport. Communication over Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can happen at the same time. If Wi-Fi is running in 2.4GHz band, this feature may introduce wireless interference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and communication may become unstable. Therefore, an OEM that wishes to use this multiple-transports feature is recommended to run Wi-Fi in 5GHz band.

Detailed design

Extension of SDL Protocol

New Control Frames Register Secondary Transport, Register Secondary Transport ACK, Register Secondary Transport NAK and Transport Event Update are added:

Frame Info Value Name Description
0x07 Register Secondary Transport This frame is sent from Proxy to Core to notify that Secondary Transport has been established.
This frame should be only sent on Secondary Transport.
0x08 Register Secondary Transport ACK This frame is sent from Core to Proxy to notify that Core has recognized Secondary Transport for the app.
This frame should be sent only on Secondary Transport. Proxy is allowed to send any frames on Secondary Transport only after receiving this frame.
0x09 Register Secondary Transport NAK This frame is sent from Core to Proxy to notify that Core could not recognize Secondary Transport for the app.
This frame should be sent only on Secondary Transport.
0xFD Transport Event Update This frame is sent from Core to Proxy to indicate that status or configuration of transport(s) is/are updated.
This frame should not be sent prior to Version Negotiation.

The header field of Register Secondary Transport frame is shown below. The frame has no parameter.

Version E Frame Type Service Type Frame Info Session Id Data Size Message ID
Max major version
supported by module and application
no Control Control Register Secondary
Session Id assigned on
Primary Transport
0 1

The header field of Register Secondary Transport ACK frame is shown below. The frame has no parameter.

Version E Frame Type Service Type Frame Info Session Id Data Size Message ID
Max major version
supported by module and application
no Control Control Register Secondary
Transport ACK
Session Id assigned on
Primary Transport
0 2

The header field of Register Secondary Transport NAK frame is shown below.

Version E Frame Type Service Type Frame Info Session Id Data Size Message ID
Max major version
supported by module and application if
known, otherwise 5
no Control Control Register Secondary
Transport NAK
Session Id assigned on
Primary Transport
Size of payload 2

Register Secondary Transport NAK frame includes following parameter:

Tag Name Type Description
reason string (Optional) Specify a string describing the reason of failure

The header field of Transport Event Update frame is shown below.

Version E Frame Type Service Type Frame Info Session Id Data Size Message ID
Max major version
supported by module and application
no Control Control Transport Event
Session Id assigned on
Primary Transport
Size of payload variable

Transport Event Update frame includes following parameters:

Tag Name Type Description
tcpIpAddress string (Optional) Specify a string representation of IP address that SDL Core is listening on.
It can be IPv4 address (example: "") or IPv6 address (example: "fd12:3456:789a::1").
An empty string indicates that the TCP transport becomes unavailable.
tcpPort int32 (Optional) Specify the TCP Port number that SDL Core is listening on. This value should be same as TCPAdapterPort in smartDeviceLink.ini file.

Here is an example of a parameter included in Transport Event Update frame:

  "tcpIpAddress": "",
  "tcpPort": 12345

Start Service ACK frame of RPC service includes following parameters:

Tag Name Type Description
secondaryTransports array of strings (Optional) Transport types which Core allows to use for Secondary Transport. Refer to Table 1 for possible values.
Right now Proxy implementation will not support utilizing more than one transports for Secondary Transport, so this array should contain at most one element.
This parameter is included in the Start Service frame for Version Negotiation. It should not be included in the Start Service frame on Secondary Transport.
If Core does not allow setting up the Secondary Transport, it can make the array empty, or completely omit this parameter.
audioServiceTransports array of int32 (Optional) List of transports that are allowed to carry audio service. The value of int32 can be either 1 (meaning "Primary Transport") or 2 (meaning "Secondary Transport"), and the transports are listed in preferred order. Proxy must not start the service on a transport that is not listed in the array.
This parameter should not be included in the Start Service frame on Secondary Transport.
If Start Service ACK frame of RPC service doesn't include this parameter then Proxy should start audio service on Primary Transport.
videoServiceTransports array of int32 (Optional) List of transports that are allowed to carry video service. The value of int32 can be either 1 (meaning "Primary Transport") or 2 (meaning "Secondary Transport"), and the transports are listed in preferred order. Proxy must not start the service on a transport that is not listed in the array.
This parameter should not be included in the Start Service frame on Secondary Transport.
If Start Service ACK frame of RPC service doesn't include this parameter then Proxy should start video service on Primary Transport.

Table 1: list of transport type strings

String Description
IAP_BLUETOOTH iAP over Bluetooth
IAP_USB iAP over USB, and Core cannot distinguish between Host Mode and Device Mode.
IAP_USB_HOST_MODE iAP over USB, and the phone is running as host
IAP_USB_DEVICE_MODE iAP over USB, and the phone is running as device
IAP_CARPLAY iAP over Carplay wireless
SPP_BLUETOOTH Bluetooth SPP. Either legacy SPP or SPP multiplexing.
AOA_USB Android Open Accessory
TCP_WIFI TCP connection over Wi-Fi

Here is an example of parameters in Start Service ACK frame:

  "secondaryTransports": ["TCP_WIFI"],
  "audioServiceTransports": [2],
  "videoServiceTransports": [2]

This indicates:

  • that Core supports multiple-transports feature and allows Wi-Fi (TCP) transport to be used as a Secondary Transport, and
  • that Core allows video and audio services to run on Secondary Transport but does NOT allow to run them on Primary Transport.

Note: Start Service, Start Service ACK, Start Service NAK, End Service, End Service ACK, and End Service NAK are sent on both Primary and Secondary Transports. Register Secondary Transport, Register Secondary Transport ACK and Register Secondary Transport NAK are sent only on Secondary Transport. Other Control Frames are always transferred on Primary Transport. (Currently, only Transport Event Update frame is applied.)

Extension of iOS Proxy

iOS Proxy implementation should include:

  • logic to set up and tear down Secondary Transport,
  • logic to start and stop services based on the params provided by Core,
  • support to use two instances of transports, and logic to choose appropriate one when sending frames,
  • support new Control Frame Transport Event Update to retrieve IP address and TCP port number,
  • logic to stop and start services when Secondary Transport with higher priority becomes available or unavailable (in low priority), and
  • logic to stop TCP transport when the app goes to background, and restart it when it comes back to foreground.

Public API of SDLManager is unchanged. The multiple-transports feature will be automatically enabled unless the app uses SDLLifecycleConfiguration created by [SDLLifecycleConfiguration debugConfigurationWithAppName].

Extension of Android Proxy

Android Proxy implementation should include:

  • logic to set up and tear down Secondary Transport,
  • logic to start and stop services based on the params provided by Core,
  • support to use two instances of transports, and logic to choose appropriate one when sending frames,
  • support new Control Frame Transport Event Update to retrieve IP address and TCP port number, and
  • logic to stop and start services when Secondary Transport with higher priority becomes available or unavailable (in low priority)

Public API of SdlProxyALM is unchanged. App developers choose one of the constructors in SdlProxyALM to start Proxy as they do today. Secondary Transport will be automatically enabled and used inside Proxy.

Extension of Core

  • Detecting connection of Secondary Transport
    When Core receives a Register Secondary Transport frame with non-zero Session ID, and the ID is not known on that connection, then Core recognizes that Proxy initiates Secondary Transport. The implementation of ProtocolHandlerImpl, ConnectionHandlerImpl and Connection classes will be updated. ConnectionHandlerImpl class will also notify ApplicationManagerImpl class of the event.
    Application and ApplicationImpl classes are updated to keep DeviceHandle for Secondary Transport.
  • Handling messages from Secondary Transport as if they were received through Primary Transport
    To minimize impacts on existing implementation, Core should treat incoming messages received through Secondary Transport as if they came from Primary Transport.
    An idea is to overwrite connection_key value of the messages. The value is included in application_manager::Message and protocol_handler::RawMessage classes, and is used to distinguish between connections. Core remembers the value of connection_key of the frames that come from Primary Transport. When Core receives a frame through Secondary Transport, it replaces the value of connection_key with that of frames coming through Primary Transport.
    Core uses the value of Session ID included in Register Secondary Transport frame to find out which services are initiated by a single app.
  • Updating the logic to assign Session IDs
    Implementation is updated so that SDL Core will not manage Session IDs per transport, but it will assign different Session ID to each app.
  • Including additional parameters in Start Service ACK frame
    Core should include secondaryTransports, audioServiceTransports and videoServiceTransports parameters in Start Service ACK frame. The value of secondaryTransports is acquired from smartDeviceLink.ini file. The value of audioServiceTransports and videoServiceTransports are calculated based on input from smartDeviceLink.ini file and transport type of Primary Transport.
  • Sending out Transport Event Update Control Frame
    When the state of a network interface changes, Core should send out Transport Event Update frame to Proxy. TcpClientListener and related classes are likely to be updated to support this feature.
  • Notifying HMI of Secondary Transport being added or removed
    Application Manager should be updated to trigger sending BasicCommunication.UpdateAppList request when Secondary Transport of an app is added or removed.
  • Making the feature configurable through smartDeviceLink.ini file
    This document proposes to append following sections in smartDeviceLink.ini file:
; Whether multiple-transports feature is enabled
Enabled = true

; Comma-separated list of transports that can be used as Secondary Transport for each Primary Transport.
; Possible values are: WiFi, USB and Bluetooth.
; Core will not suggest Secondary Transport if the value is empty.
SecondaryTransportForBluetooth = WiFi
SecondaryTransportForUSB =
SecondaryTransportForWiFi =

; A matrix to specify which service is allowed on which transports. The transports are listed
; in preferred order. If a transport is not listed, then the service is not allowed
; to run on the transport.
; Only video and audio services are configurable.
; If the entry of a service is completely omitted, the service will be allowed on all transports.
; Note: this configuration is applied even if multiple-transports feature is not enabled.
; Audio service
; Video service
; Name of the network interface that Core will listen on for incoming TCP connection, e.g. eth0.
; If the name is omitted, Core will listen on all network interfaces by binding to INADDR_ANY.
TCPAdapterNetworkInterface =

Modification of HMI_API.xml

HMI should be notified that an app is connected over multiple transports. Add an optional param secondaryDeviceInfo into HMIApplication. The change of HMIApplication struct is notified through BasicCommunication.UpdateAppList request.

<struct name="HMIApplication">
     <description>Data type containing information about application needed by HMI.</description>
    <param name="deviceInfo" type="Common.DeviceInfo" mandatory="true">
        <description>The ID, serial number, transport type the named-app's-device is connected over to HU.</description>
+    <param name="secondaryDeviceInfo" type="Common.DeviceInfo" mandatory="false">
+       <description>The ID, serial number, transport type that are acquired through Secondary Transport.</description>
+    </param>

Potential downsides

  • This feature introduces additional logic in both Core and Proxy and will increase their complexity.
  • When a single device is connected to SDL Core through multiple transports, different values of DeviceUID will be assigned per transport. Also, HMI receives multiple DeviceInfo information through BasicCommunication.UpdateDeviceList request, although there is actually one device. These behaviors may confuse HMI developers.
    Note: these behaviors are already seen on current SDL Core when an app on a phone is connected through a transport and another app on the same phone is connected through a different transport.
  • Transferring a service between Primary and Secondary Transports may not be smooth as it involves terminating the service on a transport then restarting it on another transport.
  • When SDL Core supports multiple-transports feature, Proxy will always open Secondary Transport even if no service will run on it.
  • Because of the updated specification of Session ID, maximum number of SDL apps that can connect to Core will be limited to 255.
  • Protocol version is bumped.

Impact on existing code

  • Most of the code changes are limited to protocol layer and below.
  • This proposal does not break compatibility, so basic sequence should be kept intact.

Out of scope of this proposal

Alternatives considered

  • Introduce a mechanism to transfer all services between the transports, including RPC service. This was the approach of the original proposal. After some discussions, it turned out that it will introduce much more impacts on implementations.
  • Keep current "single transport" design and introduce transport switching. This approach will not resolve the limitation raised during SDLC workshop to utilize Wi-Fi transport, since iAP transport will be turned off.
  • Extend RegisterAppInterface request and response instead of Version Negotiation to convey additional parameters. The merit of this approach is that Core will have a flexibility to return different values based on app's identification. However, this approach has more impacts on implementations since Application Manager layers of SDL Core and Proxies need to be updated.
  • Use a service discovery mechanism to convey IP address and TCP port number of SDL Core to Proxy. Right now, this is not needed as Wi-Fi transport is always used as Secondary Transport. It will be required if we want to utilize Wi-Fi transport as Primary Transport in future.
  • Instead of using Session ID as app identifier, introduce a new ID such as "App Instance ID" which is generated by Proxy and sent to Core during Version Negotiation. This approach should also work. The only downside is that we need to create a specification for the ID and Proxy may have additional complexity.
  • Support Hybrid service running on Secondary Transport. For this use-case, we will need a mechanism to seamlessly transfer the service between Primary and Secondary Transports. (Note that since Hybrid service is an extension of RPC service, it will be always started on Primary Transport.)
  • Extend the value of secondaryTransport parameter to accept multiple candidates of Secondary Transport. This will end up with Android Proxy running all three kinds of transports (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and AOA) waiting for connections at the same time, and will introduce much complexity. If we need such advanced feature, perhaps another proposal can be entered in the future, with a simplified implementation that Android Proxy will switch to another Secondary Transport only when current Secondary Transport is disconnected.
  • Introduce existing protocol like MPTCP (Multi-path TCP) or SCTP (Stream Control Transport Protocol). This will introduce a large amount of code (either implemented by SDLC members or using existing open-source library) and increases complexity.



  1. Secondary Transport Optimization