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A simple storage system plus more for personal use.




  1. Create a Database in Postgres

  2. Setup the .env file. Setup instructions can be found below

  3. Setup Rocket.toml (Optional) Setup instructions can be found here

  4. Diesel needs the schema to match the project before it starts. diesel migration run is the easiest way to do this.


Simply run the command cargo run from your terminal. Any configuration options are specified in the .env file.

Build Errors:

This project requires a package Diesel and Rocket. Before compiling, both Diesel and Rocket run other code to build dependencies.

This is important because if it cannot connect to the database, or it mismatches the database, it will look like a compiling error: thats because it is. When errors arise; the first place to look is your database.

As well, this project only works on nightly builds. If dependencies fail to build, ensure you're using the nightly build channel.

ENV Options:

  • Security

    • APP_KEY: Required, string. Security key used by the application to encrypt tokens.

    • BCRYPT_COST: Optional, uint. Number of hash iterations for passwords. Lower is faster but less secure, higher is slower but more secure. Default is 12.

  • Database

    • DATABASE_URL: Required, string. Connection string to your database. Looks something like postgres://postgres:secret@db/database.

    • TEST_DATABASE_URL: Required if running tests, string. Connection string to your testing database.

  • Logging!

    • LOG_LEVEL: Optional, string. Minimum level at which logging should occur. Default is error.
  • Storage

    • STORAGE_DRIVER: Optional, string. Driver that should be used to store objects, either disk or aws. Default is disk.

    • AWS

      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Required with driver aws, string. Your AWS Access Key ID.

      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: Required with driver aws, string. Your AWS Access Key Secret.

      • AWS_BUCKET_NAME: Required with driver aws, string. Bucket to be used to store objects.

      • AWS_BUCKET_REGION: Required with driver aws, string. Bucket region to be used to store objects.

  • Other

    • STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE: Optional, string. Size of the chunks to be used when streaming objects. Default is 1024.

    Note: The Linux kernel uses 256 by default, and this will not be overrode. Any chunk sizes smaller than this will have no impact


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