Kotlin Multiplatform application for create notes in SQLite database with SQLDelight library, and encrypt it with Cipher. The Compose-UI also has dark/light themes.
Supported platforms:
- Android
- iOS (+ macOS (Mac Catalyst))
- Desktop JVM (macOS, Linux, Windows)x(x86_64, arm64)
feature \ platform | Android | iOS | Desktop Java |
database | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
encryption | ✅ | ✅ | |
ui | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Check out CONTRIBUTING.md if you want to develop missing features.
- SQLDelight
- SQLCipher
- Compose Multiplatform, by JetBrains
- MaterialThemePrefs
- kotlinx-coroutines
- kotlinx-datetime
- Koin
- CWAC-SafeRoom
- Napier
- Firebase Crashlytics
- LeakCanary 🐤
- Mockito
- Turbine
- Orchestrator
- Espresso
Made with JetBrains tools