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Taxonomy links don't work #1010

modreoci opened this issue Mar 28, 2016 · 3 comments

Taxonomy links don't work #1010

modreoci opened this issue Mar 28, 2016 · 3 comments


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When I click any taxonomy link it appears the statement:

The page you were looking for doesn't exist.
You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.


2016-03-28T12:42:04.163412+00:00 app[web.1]: Started GET "/t/kategorie/oblecenie" for at 2016-03-28 12:42:04 +0000
2016-03-28T12:42:04.173057+00:00 app[web.1]:   Parameters: {"id"=>"kategorie/oblecenie"}
2016-03-28T12:42:04.189970+00:00 app[web.1]:   Spree::Taxon Load (1.6ms)  SELECT  "spree_taxons".* FROM "spree_taxons" INNER JOIN "spree_taxon_translations" ON "spree_taxon_translations"."spree_taxon_id" = "spree_taxons"."id" WHERE "spree_taxon_translations"."permalink" = '--- !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::StatementCache::Substitute {}
2016-03-28T12:42:04.218831+00:00 app[web.1]:   Rendered public/404.html (0.5ms)
2016-03-28T12:42:04.173028+00:00 app[web.1]: Processing by Spree::TaxonsController#show as HTML
2016-03-28T12:42:04.219039+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 404 Not Found in 46ms (Views: 28.5ms | ActiveRecord: 4.7ms)
2016-03-28T12:42:04.189988+00:00 app[web.1]: ' AND "spree_taxon_translations"."locale" IN ('sk', 'en') LIMIT 1
2016-03-28T12:42:04.217174+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/t/kategorie/oblecenie" request_id=b8dd214c-0277-45ba-bf43-fd6942d0729a fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=58ms status=404 bytes=2216
2016-03-28T12:42:04.525428+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/favicon.ico" request_id=a9fbe5f7-bde1-49f9-a566-f20349eb078b fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=2ms status=200 bytes=143
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This doesn't seem to be an issue in solidus itself. Judging by that SQL query, maybe something to do with solidus_globalize. I'll investigate further.

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@modreoci I believe you're experiencing globalize/globalize#423. Using the current globalize master should fix this issue.

If it doesn't, please file a bug against solidus_globalize and we'll take another look.

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Sorry I'm not very skilled in RoR. I tried it and it produce error in resolving dependencies:

Fetching git://
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "globalize":
  In Gemfile:

    solidus_globalize was resolved to 3.1.0.beta, which depends on
      globalize (~> 5.0.1)


source ''

# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'rails', '4.2.5'

gem 'solidus', '1.1.1'
gem 'solidus_auth_devise'
gem 'rails-i18n'
gem 'devise-i18n'
gem 'globalize', github: 'globalize/globalize', branch: 'master'
gem 'solidus_i18n', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_i18n', branch: 'master'
gem 'solidus_globalize', github: 'solidusio-contrib/solidus_globalize', branch: 'master'

# Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record
gem 'pg'
# Use SCSS for stylesheets
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'
# Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'
# Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views
gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.1.0'
# See for more supported runtimes
# gem 'therubyracer', platforms: :ruby

# Use jquery as the JavaScript library
gem 'jquery-rails', '~> 3.1.4'
# Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Read more:
gem 'turbolinks'
# Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more:
gem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.0'
# bundle exec rake doc:rails generates the API under doc/api.
gem 'sdoc', '~> 0.4.0', group: :doc
# for heroku
group :production do
  gem 'rails_12factor'
  gem 'puma'

# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password
# gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'

# Use Unicorn as the app server
# gem 'unicorn'

# Use Capistrano for deployment
# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development

group :development, :test do
  # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console
  gem 'byebug'

group :development do
  # Access an IRB console on exception pages or by using <%= console %> in views
  gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0'

  # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more:
  gem 'spring'
ruby "2.3.0"

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