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Chibi SMSC

Chibi's SMSC


See .chibi_smsc_configuration


mvn package

Building against modified local dependencies

Sometimes you might want to download a dependency and modify it locally then build against it. To do this cd into the local dependency's directory then run:

mvn install

You should get some output like

Building <package> <version>-SNAPSHOT

This will install the dependency with the version -SNAPSHOT.

Finally you need to specify the SNAPSHOT version in your pom.xml




Enqueue a job

From the terminal run:

bundle exec foreman run -e .chibi_smsc_configuration ruby enqueue_mt.rb

Start the SMPP Client

From another terminal run:

bundle exec foreman run smpp_client

Start the Test SMPP Server

This will boot the test SMPP Server by Cloudhopper

From yet another terminal run:

cd /path/to/cloudhopper
make server-echo

Start a local Sidekiq Worker

This will start Sidekiq which will process the required jobs in Ruby

From yet another terminal run:

bundle exec foreman start sidekiq_worker -e .chibi_smsc_configuration -f


From the development machine first charge REDISTOGO_URL in .chibi_smsc_configuration with the remote REDISTOGO_URL.

Then run:

bundle exec foreman run -e .chibi_smsc_configuration ruby enqueue_mt.rb

This will enqueue a job on the REDISTOGO server and should be picked up by the java process on the remote server.


bundle exec cap production deploy

Troubleshooting Using Wireshark

Capture outgoing packets

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nnvvS dst host <public-ip-of-vpn-host-not-internal-ip> -w "`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`_description.cap"

Capture incoming packets

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nnvvS dst host -w "`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`_description.cap"


sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nnvvS src host <private-ip-of-connected-smpp-server> -w "`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`_description.cap"

Download the packets locally

sftp -i ~/.ssh/aws/dwilkie.pem .

Decrypting outgoing packets using Wireshark

From the server run the following:

sudo ip xfrm state

This will output something like:

src <src-address> dst <dst-address>
  proto esp spi <spi> reqid 16397 mode tunnel
  replay-window 32 flag af-unspec
  auth-trunc hmac(md5) <Authentication-Key> 96
  enc cbc(des3_ede) <Encryption-Key>
  encap type espinudp sport 4500 dport 4500 addr

In WireShark Enable ESP decryption

Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> ESP -> Attempt to detect/decode encrypted ESP payloads

Then under

ESP SAs: -> Edit -> New

Fill in the following fields with the output from above:

  • Source Address
  • Destination Address
  • SPI
  • Encryption
  • Encryption Key
  • Authentication
  • Authentication Key

From the example output above Encryption is TripleDES-CBC (which comes from enc cbc(des3_ede)) and Authentication is HMAC-MD5-96 (which comes from auth-trunc hmac(md5) <Authentication-Key> 96)


The software is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


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