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python soofa

This package is aimed at simplifying the process of integrating soofapay payment solution to your python systems. You can check our website for more


 $ pip install soofa


1. Checking for a transaction
from soofa import Soofa, Transaction

soofa = Soofa("you_soofa_till_number", "your_client_secret_here")
exists = soofa.find("tranaction_id_here")
if exists:
    transaction: Transaction = soofa.get_transaction()
    print("No such transaction")

The expected response for transaction check is Transaction object with various keys and methods

There is an additional method for getting the entire JSON object.


    "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "sender_currency": "KES",
    "receiver_currency": "KES",
    "tid": "QTMB3",
    "reference": "T5004",
    "receipt_no": "NFQ6U45W28",
    "timestamp": 1561499777.715254,
    "gross_amount": 5,
    "net_amount": 4.8605,
    "transacted_via": "mpesa",
    "is_money_in": true,
    "sender": "+254701234567",
    "receiver": "Dev Market"

The table below describes all the attributes of the transaction object.

Key Description
status The state of the transaction, either SUCCESSFUL or PENDING
sender_currency The currency of the person who performed the transaction
receiver_currency The currency of the business, if the transaction was Money in for the business
reference The transaction reference passed when making a transaction
timestamp Unix timestamp for the transaction
gross_amount The amount of the transaction
net_amount The amount received after deducting soofa
transacted_via The service provider which facilitated the transaction eg. mpesa, visa, airtelmoney, mastercard, tkash ...
is_money_in A boolean indicating if the money was to the business or out of the business
sender The performer of transaction
receiver The receiver of the transaction which is the business if the transaction was inbound
2. Checking your soofa business account balance
from soofa import Soofa

soofa = Soofa("you_soofa_till_number", "your_client_secret_here")
balance = soofa.get_balance()

The expected response for checking balance is a JSON with three fields:

    "balance": "1587.49",
    "currency": "KES",
    "timestamp": 1561820831.623298