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manage Vault lease on Kubernetes secrets and keep it fresh


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Vault2kube: manage Vault lease on Kubernetes secrets and keep it fresh


What's this

Fetch a secret from Vault, and copy it to a k8s secret. Then rollout restart on specified k8s resources.

This tool is intended to run using k8s CronJob, and use with Vault leased, managed secrets (e.g. database creds). Note that the motivation behind this tool is not copying static secrets from Vault; even is possible.

Difference with vault-k8s

hashicorp/vault-k8s is the official tool to integrate Vault secrets with Kubernetes. This tool uses MutationWebhook to inject a vault agent into a pod, and the injected agent authenticate against Vault using a service account associated to the pod, then keep secrets updated.

This design allows to cover various use cases, however it is not simple for just copying leaesd, short-lived secrets (e.g. database) from Vault.

vault-k8s would be a good choice when you cannot trust k8s secrets store, or you need to interact with Vault to do some advanced usage.

Docker repository


Check deploy/setup.yml and apply:

cp deploy/setup.yml /tmp/
vim /tmp/setup.yml
kubectl apply -f /tmp/setup.yml

By default this enables ClusterRole to update the entire secrets in your cluster. If you're not in favor of this whole cluster setup, you may use namespaced Role instead. (Hint: you can use --namespace command line argument to enable namespaced API requests)

Configuing connection to Vault

The following environment variables are supported, and some of them are required:

  • Connection
    • VAULT_ADDR (required)
  • Authentication (required, choose from one of these)
    1. Bearer
    1. Kubernetes
    • VAULT_K8S_PATH (required, e.g. auth/kubernetes)
    • VAULT_K8S_ROLE (required)
    • VAULT_K8S_TOKEN_PATH (optional, default to /var/run/secrets/

Kubernetes Authentication

Default to in-cluster config, but can refer to $KUBECONFIG (~/.kube/config).

(When not using in-cluster config, Kubernetes Vault authentication is unavailable)


Configure a rule

vault2kube uses CRD to configure a rule and persist its state. Create VaultStoreRule like as follows:

apiVersion: ""
kind: VaultStoreRule
  name: foo
  namespace: default
  ## Path to source secret on Vault (what you specify to `vault read` command)
  sourcePath: my/path/to/database-mount/creds/my-database-role
  ## Optional parameters; When this is present, vault2kube will use POST (= vault write) to get leases
  # parameters: {}

  ## Destination secret to store its lease as a k8s secret
  destinationName: my-database-creds
  # Templates to render stringData.
    - key: password
      # Template is rendered using Handlebars against `.data` lease response
      template: '{{password}}'
    - key: username
      template: '{{username}}'

  ## Restart resource on any Vault lease rotation
  # Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet is supported
    - kind: Deployment
      name: blog

  ## Handling lease TTL
  # At least either renewBeforeSeconds or rotateBeforeSeconds must be given. 
  # Specifying both options are possible. Then rule will try to renew as long as possible, then rotate.

  # Enable this to renew while max_ttl. Specify threshold by seconds until expiry to perform a renew.
  renewBeforeSeconds: 604800
  # Enable this to rotate when reaching max_ttl. Note that even this parameter is omit, leases will be
  # rotated when a renewed ttl is capped to max_ttl.
  rotateBeforeSeconds: 259200
  # Enable this to revoke the last lease in subsequent run after rotation. Default to 1.
  revokeAfterSeconds: 3600

Confirm working

Then trigger a job, and confirm the result.

kubectl create job --from=cronjob/vault2kube vault2kube-manual-${USER}-$(date +%s)
kubectl get secret my-database-creds

Advanced topics

Request force renew/rotate

Setting the following annotations to VaultStoreRule lets Vault2kube perform early renew/rotate:

  • Renew: (ISO8601 datetime format)
  • Rotate: (ISO8601 datetime format)

Actions are performed when a specified datetime is newer than the last successful run (.status.lastSuccessfulRunAt).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The tool is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.