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This is final capstone project of Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program.

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Udacity Cloud DevOps Capstone Project

This is final project of Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program.

Project Overview

In this project I have implemented all the knowledge that I have learnt from the Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree program. In this project I have

  • Created Jenkins server using the AWS CloudFormation.
  • Installed all the needed tools in Jenkins master server using the Launch Configuration.
  • Created a infrastructure pipeline using Jenkins that creates one EKS cluster in AWS.
  • Created one application deployment pipeline that deploys the application docker container in the kubernetes cluster.
  • Used blue/green deployment strategy to deploy the application.

Project Files


This folder all the files related to infrastructure deployment.

  • jenkins-server-parameters.json: Parameters file for cloud formation stack.
  • jenkins-server.yml: CloudFormation template for creating jenkins server.
  • Jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile for creating EKS cluster and configuring kubectl.


This folder contains all template files for Kubernetes resources.

  • blue-replication-controller.yml: A replication controller template that creates pods with label as app=blue.
  • blue-service.yml: A service template that selects all the pods with label as app=blue.
  • green-replication-controller.yml: A replication controller template that creates pods with label as app=green.
  • green-service.yml: A service template that selects all the pods with label as app=green.


This folder contains all screenshots taken during creation of this project.


This folder contains script to create, delete and update CloudFormation stack.


This is Dockerfile of application.


This is main html file of application.


This file contains the steps of CICD pipeline of application.

Project Setup

  • Create Jenkins server using cloud formation template.
$ sh scripts/ jenkins-stack infrastructure/jenkins-server.yml infrastructure/jenkins-server-parameters.json
  • Following resources are created after executing above command:
    • VPC
    • Subnet
    • Route Table
    • Route
    • Internet Gateway
    • Security Group
    • Launch Configuration
    • Auto Scaling Group
  • Following tools are automatically installed in the server using Launch Configuration:
    • Jenkins
    • Docker
    • AWS CLI
    • eksctl CLI
    • kubectl CLI
    • Tidy
  • Once the stack creation is complete, access the Jenkins UI using http://<EC2_PUBLIC_IP>:8080
  • Login using admin account and complete the initial setup of Jenkins.
  • Install the following plugins in Jenkins:
  • Add AWS credentials in Jenkins.
  • Create new item in Jenkins of type Pipeline of name let's say infra-pipeline
  • In the configuration page of infra-pipeline, provide the GitHub repository as and script path as infrastructure/Jenkinsfile
  • Apply and save the pipeline.
  • Click on Build Now to trigger the pipeline.
  • infra-pipeline does the following steps:
    • Creates a EKS cluster
    • Configures kubectl so that we can connect to EKS cluster
    • Note: This pipeline will take around 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • Add Docker Hub credentials in Jenkins so that we can push docker image to Docker Hub.
  • Create new item in Jenkins of type Pipeline of name let's say udacity-capstone-website-pipeline
  • In the configuration page of udacity-capstone-website-pipeline, provide the GitHub repository as and script path as Jenkinsfile
  • Apply and save the pipeline.
  • Click on Build Now to trigger the pipeline
  • Once the pipeline passes with stage name Create Service Pointing to Blue Replication Controller, go to Load Balancer page in AWS console and look for DNS name
  • DNS name will be something like
  • In the browser, open a new tab and hit link as http://<DNS_NAME>:8000/. It will show the capstone project website.
  • Approve the pipeline to proceed to next stage
  • Once the pipeline is complete, service will be pointing to pods that has label as app=green