Use the project resource to add or remove a Rundeck project.
The full syntax for all of the properties available to the project resource is:
rundeck_project 'project' do
label String # You may wish to use a more user friendly display name for the project. The project label can contain spaces and other characters.
description String # A brief explanation about the project. Normally, this is just one phrase or sentence explaining the project purpose. If you have large amounts of text, consider creating a project README.
executions_disable [true, false] # Turn off the ability to execute jobs and ad-hoc commands.
schedule_disable [true, false] # Turn off the job scheduling feature.
job_group_expansion_level Integer # In the Jobs page, how should the job groups be collapsed? A 1 is default and shows one group level opened. Use 0 to collapse all. Use -1 to expand all.
display_motd [none, projectList, projectHome, both] # Show the Readme in the project list and/or home page.
display_readme [none, projectList, projectHome, both] # Show the Readme in the project list and/or home page.
project_properties Hash # Hash of additional settings that get added directly to the project configuration.
Create the Rundeck project. This is the default, action.
Deletes the Rundeck Project.
rundeck_rundeck_project 'myproject' do
project_properties = {
'service.FileCopier.default.provider': 'jsch-scp',
rundeck_project 'myproject' do
description 'test project'
label 'my test project'
project_properties project_properties
action [:create]
rundeck_project 'shouldnotexist' do
action [:delete]