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C, distinguish between tag names and ordinary names #8313

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@jakobandersen jakobandersen commented Oct 13, 2020

Feature or Bugfix

  • Feature
  • Bugfix
  • Refactoring


Introduce tagged names, as in the language, in the end fixing #7819. That is,

.. c:struct:: A
.. c:union:: B
.. c:enum:: C

declares the names struct A, union B, and enum C, while

.. c:function:: void A(void)

declares the name A. Macros, enumerators, typedefs, and (member) variables are in the same space as functions.
(TODO: there is not yet a duplicate check in the tagged space, so two struct/union/enum can have the same name right now)

This means that nested names potentially must include the full tagging. E.g., for

.. c:struct:: A

   .. c::union:: B

      .. c::enum:: C

         .. c:enumerator:: D

then the fully qualified name for D is struct A.unioin B.enum C.D.
For names appearing inside declarations, the tagging must be present, which may give extra warnings. E.g., for

.. c:struct:: A
.. c:function:: A f(void)
.. c:function:: struct A g(void)

there will now be a warning about missing target for the A in f, because it should be tagged, like in g.
However, for now, for backwards compatibility, when writing cross-references an untagged nested name component will match also a tagged declaration (the first one). This means the following works

.. c:struct:: A

	.. c:struct:: B

		.. c:var:: int i

- :c:var:`struct A.struct B.i`
- :c:var:`struct A.B.i`
- :c:var:`A.struct B.i`
- :c:var:`A.B.i`

As a nice side-effect, this incidentally now lets c:type roles properly parse tagged names, without the pre-v3 flag.

However, note that if a function has the same name as a tagged entity and a cross-reference does not explicitly contain a tag, then the function is selected. That is, lookup is tried first with the explicit name written in the role and only if unsuccessfully it will then try a relaxed lookup. E.g.,:

.. c:function:: void f1(int i)

.. c:struct:: f1

	.. c:var:: int i

.. c:struct:: f2

	.. c:var:: int i

.. c:function:: void f2(int i)

- :c:var:`f1.i`, resolves to the function parameter
- :c:var:`struct f1.i`, resolves to struct f1.i
- :c:var:`f2.i`, resolves to the function parameter
- :c:var:`struct f2.i`, resolves to struct f2.i

However, this is not ideal, as there can be ambiguity when referencing function parameters (though note #8310 is not in this branch yet):

.. c:function:: void f1(int i)

.. c:struct:: f1

	.. c:var:: int i

.. c:struct:: f2

	.. c:var:: int i

.. c:function:: void f2(int i)

- :c:var:`f1.i`, resolves to the function parameter, as f1 is before struct f1
- :c:var:`struct f1.i`, always resolves to struct f1.i
- :c:var:`f2.i`, resolves to struct f2.i, as struct f2 is before f2
- :c:var:`struct f2.i`, always resolves to struct2.i

Here, because the lookup for untagged names selects the first matching entry in the symbol table, we get inconsistency in what f1.i and f2.i points to.

  • How should cross-references be written to not rely on declaration order, and still allow referencing all entities?
  • Would it be ok always to explicitly write tags in cross references? The (temporary) config var c_strict_xref_tags can be set to True to enforce explicit tagging in cross references.

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I believe the PR is ready for more throughout testing. It would be great if users of the C domain can try it out, both directly and with the config c_strict_xref_tags = True to see both which warnings are fixed, and which new ones pop up.

(Ping for those I remember may have interest: @Shamino0, @vstinner, @mchehab, @utzig)

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mchehab commented Oct 15, 2020

On a quick test, the remaining warnings I was getting with the Linux Kernel docs with Sphinx 3.x have gone after this patch set.


I'm looking forward to see those patches applied to 3.2.2 ;-)

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On a quick test, the remaining warnings I was getting with the Linux Kernel docs with Sphinx 3.x have gone after this patch set.

Just to be sure, this is also the case with c_strict_xref_tags = True in

I'm looking forward to see those patches applied to 3.2.2 ;-)

I'm afraid the changes are too large to put them in 3.2.2, but if nothing major breaks it may be possible to move it to 3.3 instead.

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mchehab commented Oct 15, 2020

On a quick test, the remaining warnings I was getting with the Linux Kernel docs with Sphinx 3.x have gone after this patch set.

Just to be sure, this is also the case with c_strict_xref_tags = True in

Yes. I'm attaching the full I'm using on such test.

I'm looking forward to see those patches applied to 3.2.2 ;-)

I'm afraid the changes are too large to put them in 3.2.2,

That's a bad news. We want this bug to be solved as soon as possible, as we want to ensure that new patches won't be introducing more htmldocs build warnings.

but if nothing major breaks it may be possible to move it to 3.3 instead.

Well, this would be better than having to wait until a next major release. When 3.3 is planned to be released?

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The Linux Kernel documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Feb 12 13:51:46 2016.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
# autogenerated file.
# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
# serve to show the default.

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import os
import sphinx

from subprocess import check_output

# Get Sphinx version
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# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('sphinx'))
from load_config import loadConfig

# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------

# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
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# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
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# cdomain is badly broken in Sphinx 3+.  Leaving it out generates *most*
# of the docs correctly, but not all.  Scream bloody murder but allow
# the process to proceed; hopefully somebody will fix this properly soon.
if major >= 3:
    sys.stderr.write('''WARNING: The kernel documentation build process
        support for Sphinx v3.0 and above is brand new. Be prepared for
        possible issues in the generated output.
    if (major > 3) or (minor > 0 or patch >= 2):
        # Sphinx c function parser is more pedantic with regards to type
        # checking. Due to that, having macros at c:function cause problems.
        # Those needed to be scaped by using c_id_attributes[] array
        c_strict_xref_tags = True
        c_id_attributes = [
            # GCC Compiler types not parsed by Sphinx:

            # include/linux/compiler_types.h:

            # include/linux/compiler_attributes.h:

            # include/linux/memblock.h:

            # include/linux/init.h:

            # include/linux/linkage.h:


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# You can specify multiple suffix as a list of string:
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# The encoding of source files.
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# The master toctree document.
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# General information about the project.
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copyright = 'The kernel development community'
author = 'The kernel development community'

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# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# In a normal build, version and release are are set to KERNELVERSION and
# KERNELRELEASE, respectively, from the Makefile via Sphinx command line
# arguments.
# The following code tries to extract the information by reading the Makefile,
# when Sphinx is run directly (e.g. by Read the Docs).
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# for a list of supported languages.
# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs.
# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases.
language = None

# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
# non-false value, then it is used:
#today = ''
# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
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# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
# documents.
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# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
#add_function_parentheses = True

# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
# unit titles (such as .. function::).
#add_module_names = True

# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
# output. They are ignored by default.
#show_authors = False

# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'

# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
#modindex_common_prefix = []

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# -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------

# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.

# The Read the Docs theme is available from
# -
# -
# - python-sphinx-rtd-theme package (on Debian)
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# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
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# "<project> v<release> documentation".
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#html_short_title = None

# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
# of the sidebar.
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# docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
# pixels large.
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# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".

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# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
# directly to the root of the documentation.
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# using the given strftime format.
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# typographically correct entities.
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# template names.
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# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
#html_show_sphinx = True

# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
#html_show_copyright = True

# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
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#html_file_suffix = None

# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index.
# Sphinx supports the following languages:
#   'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'h', 'it', 'ja'
#   'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'r', 'sv', 'tr'
#html_search_language = 'en'

# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default.
# Now only 'ja' uses this config value
#html_search_options = {'type': 'default'}

# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that
# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used.
#html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js'

# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
htmlhelp_basename = 'TheLinuxKerneldoc'

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# At least one book (translations) may have Asian characters
# with are only displayed if xeCJK is used

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if major == 1 and minor < 6:
   latex_elements['preamble']  += '''

        % Put notes in color and let them be inside a table

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# With Sphinx 1.6, it is possible to change the Bg color directly
# by using:
#	\definecolor{sphinxnoteBgColor}{RGB}{204,255,255}
#	\definecolor{sphinxwarningBgColor}{RGB}{255,204,204}
#	\definecolor{sphinxattentionBgColor}{RGB}{255,255,204}
#	\definecolor{sphinximportantBgColor}{RGB}{192,255,204}
# However, it require to use sphinx heavy box with:
#	\renewenvironment{sphinxlightbox} {%
#		\\begin{sphinxheavybox}
#	}
#		\\end{sphinxheavybox}
#	}
# Unfortunately, the implementation is buggy: if a note is inside a
# table, it isn't displayed well. So, for now, let's use boring
# black and white notes.

# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title,
#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
# Sorted in alphabetical order
latex_documents = [

# Add all other index files from Documentation/ subdirectories
for fn in os.listdir('.'):
    doc = os.path.join(fn, "index")
    if os.path.exists(doc + ".rst"):
        has = False
        for l in latex_documents:
            if l[0] == doc:
                has = True
        if not has:
            latex_documents.append((doc, fn + '.tex',
                                    'Linux %s Documentation' % fn.capitalize(),
                                    'The kernel development community',

# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# the title page.
#latex_logo = None

# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
# not chapters.
#latex_use_parts = False

# If true, show page references after internal links.
#latex_show_pagerefs = False

# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#latex_show_urls = False

# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#latex_appendices = []

# If false, no module index is generated.
#latex_domain_indices = True

# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------

# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
    (master_doc, 'thelinuxkernel', 'The Linux Kernel Documentation',
     [author], 1)

# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
#man_show_urls = False

# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------

# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author,
#  dir menu entry, description, category)
texinfo_documents = [
    (master_doc, 'TheLinuxKernel', 'The Linux Kernel Documentation',
     author, 'TheLinuxKernel', 'One line description of project.',

# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#texinfo_appendices = []

# If false, no module index is generated.
#texinfo_domain_indices = True

# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'

# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False

# -- Options for Epub output ----------------------------------------------

# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
epub_title = project
epub_author = author
epub_publisher = author
epub_copyright = copyright

# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
#epub_basename = project

# The HTML theme for the epub output. Since the default themes are not
# optimized for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub
# output is usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save
# visual space.
#epub_theme = 'epub'

# The language of the text. It defaults to the language option
# or 'en' if the language is not set.
#epub_language = ''

# The scheme of the identifier. Typical schemes are ISBN or URL.
#epub_scheme = ''

# The unique identifier of the text. This can be a ISBN number
# or the project homepage.
#epub_identifier = ''

# A unique identification for the text.
#epub_uid = ''

# A tuple containing the cover image and cover page html template filenames.
#epub_cover = ()

# A sequence of (type, uri, title) tuples for the guide element of content.opf.
#epub_guide = ()

# HTML files that should be inserted before the pages created by sphinx.
# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
#epub_pre_files = []

# HTML files that should be inserted after the pages created by sphinx.
# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
#epub_post_files = []

# A list of files that should not be packed into the epub file.
epub_exclude_files = ['search.html']

# The depth of the table of contents in toc.ncx.
#epub_tocdepth = 3

# Allow duplicate toc entries.
#epub_tocdup = True

# Choose between 'default' and 'includehidden'.
#epub_tocscope = 'default'

# Fix unsupported image types using the Pillow.
#epub_fix_images = False

# Scale large images.
#epub_max_image_width = 0

# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
#epub_show_urls = 'inline'

# If false, no index is generated.
#epub_use_index = True

# rst2pdf
# Grouping the document tree into PDF files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, options).
# See the Sphinx chapter of
# FIXME: Do not add the index file here; the result will be too big. Adding
# multiple PDF files here actually tries to get the cross-referencing right
# *between* PDF files.
pdf_documents = [
    ('kernel-documentation', u'Kernel', u'Kernel', u'J. Random Bozo'),

# kernel-doc extension configuration for running Sphinx directly (e.g. by Read
# the Docs). In a normal build, these are supplied from the Makefile via command
# line arguments.
kerneldoc_bin = '../scripts/kernel-doc'
kerneldoc_srctree = '..'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
# the last statement in the file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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utzig commented Oct 15, 2020

@jakobandersen I run this PR now and it fixes most of the duplicate symbol issues, but I see a few new warnings:

WARNING: C 'identifier' cross-reference uses wrong tag: reference name is 'union bt_conn_info' but found name is 'struct bt_conn_info'. Full reference name is 'union bt_conn_info'. Full found name is 'struct bt_conn_info'.
WARNING: C 'identifier' cross-reference uses wrong tag: reference name is 'enum bt_conn_oob_info' but found name is 'struct bt_conn_oob_info'. Full reference name is 'enum bt_conn_oob_info'. Full found name is 'struct bt_conn_oob_info'.

Those come from these definitions:

Probably related to the anonymous unions.


WARNING: C 'identifier' cross-reference uses wrong tag: reference name is 'union mbedtls_ccm_context' but found name is 'struct mbedtls_ccm_context'. Full reference name is 'union mbedtls_ccm_context'. Full found name is 'struct mbedtls_ccm_context'.
WARNING: C 'identifier' cross-reference uses wrong tag: reference name is 'union mbedtls_rsa_context' but found name is 'struct mbedtls_rsa_context'. Full reference name is 'union mbedtls_rsa_context'. Full found name is 'struct mbedtls_rsa_context'.

From these definitions:

Not sure if it's because of the redefinition in the typedef and struct names. There are more such issues but all seem somewhat related.

Using c_strict_xref_tags = True only changed the html links for me, the warning are the same.

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What is the state of this PR .. actually in process?

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It's not dead, just progressing very very slowly :-). I will update it to take the anonymous types into account as soon as possible, so we can do another round of testing.

@jakobandersen jakobandersen force-pushed the c_ids_tags branch 4 times, most recently from 99cb38f to 62ed928 Compare January 10, 2021 11:43
@jakobandersen jakobandersen changed the title [WIP] C, distinguish between tag names and ordinary names C, distinguish between tag names and ordinary names Jan 10, 2021
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So, I think the PR is ready for another test:

  • Lookups should no longer depend on the order of declaration.
  • A/the problem with anon declarations should be fixed, hopefully covering the problem @utzig indicated.
  • The config variable c_strict_xref_tags was removed again. I believe leaving out the tags in cross-references is a nice convenience feature, with the only pitfall begin when a tagged entity and a function share the same name (see example in the bottom of the OP).

qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request May 25, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jun 2, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jun 14, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jun 14, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jun 17, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jun 23, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jul 7, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jul 20, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jul 20, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jul 22, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
StollD pushed a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jul 23, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Aug 25, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Sep 17, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Sep 24, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Oct 7, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
intel-lab-lkp pushed a commit to intel-lab-lkp/linux that referenced this pull request Oct 9, 2023

make htmldocs warns:

Documentation/driver-api/80211/mac80211:109: ./include/net/mac80211.h:5170: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at mac80211:1117.
Declaration is '.. c:function:: void ieee80211_tx_status (struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)'.

This is because there's a function named ieee80211_tx_status() and a struct named
ieee80211_tx_status. This has been discussed previously but no solution found:

There's also a bug open for three years with no solution in sight:


So I guess we have no other solution than to a workaround this in the code,
for example to rename the function to ieee80211_tx_status_skb() to avoid the
name conflict. I got the idea for the name from ieee80211_tx_status_noskb() in
which the skb is not provided as an argument, instead with
ieee80211_tx_status_skb() the skb is provided.

Compile tested only.

Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Oct 22, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
intel-lab-lkp pushed a commit to intel-lab-lkp/linux that referenced this pull request Oct 23, 2023

make htmldocs warns:

Documentation/driver-api/80211/mac80211:109: ./include/net/mac80211.h:5170: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at mac80211:1117.
Declaration is '.. c:function:: void ieee80211_tx_status (struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)'.

This is because there's a function named ieee80211_tx_status() and a struct named
ieee80211_tx_status. This has been discussed previously but no solution found:

There's also a bug open for three years with no solution in sight:


So I guess we have no other solution than to a workaround this in the code,
for example to rename the function to ieee80211_tx_status_skb() to avoid the
name conflict. I got the idea for the name from ieee80211_tx_status_noskb() in
which the skb is not provided as an argument, instead with
ieee80211_tx_status_skb() the skb is provided.

Compile tested only.

Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Oct 23, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Nov 20, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Dec 13, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
hmtheboy154 pushed a commit to hmtheboy154/Darkmatter-kernel that referenced this pull request Dec 23, 2023
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
qzed added a commit to linux-surface/kernel that referenced this pull request Jan 12, 2024
…void ambiguities

We currently have a struct ssam_request_sync and a function
ssam_request_sync(). While this is valid C, there are some downsides to

One of these is that current Sphinx versions (>= 3.0) cannot
disambiguate between the two (see disucssion and pull request linked
below). It instead emits a "WARNING: Duplicate C declaration" and links
for the struct and function in the resulting documentation link to the
same entry (i.e. both to either function or struct documentation)
instead of their respective own entries.

While we could just ignore that and wait for a fix, there's also a point
to be made that the current naming can be somewhat confusing when
searching (e.g. via grep) or trying to understand the levels of
abstraction at play:

We currently have struct ssam_request_sync and associated functions
ssam_request_sync_[alloc|free|init|wait|...]() operating on this struct.
However, function ssam_request_sync() is one abstraction level above
this. Similarly, ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() is not a function
operating on struct ssam_request_sync, but rather a sibling to
ssam_request_sync(), both using the struct under the hood.

Therefore, rename the top level request functions:

  ssam_request_sync() -> ssam_request_do_sync()
  ssam_request_sync_with_buffer() -> ssam_request_do_sync_with_buffer()
  ssam_request_sync_onstack() -> ssam_request_do_sync_onstack()

Link: sphinx-doc/sphinx#8313
Signed-off-by: Maximilian Luz <>
Reviewed-by: Hans de Goede <>
Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <>
Patchset: surface-sam
zhoufuro pushed a commit to zhoufuro/deepin-kernel that referenced this pull request Jan 30, 2024

commit 2703bc8 ("wifi: mac80211: rename ieee80211_tx_status() to ieee80211_tx_status_skb()") upstream.

make htmldocs warns:

Documentation/driver-api/80211/mac80211:109: ./include/net/mac80211.h:5170: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at mac80211:1117.
Declaration is '.. c:function:: void ieee80211_tx_status (struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)'.

This is because there's a function named ieee80211_tx_status() and a struct named
ieee80211_tx_status. This has been discussed previously but no solution found:

There's also a bug open for three years with no solution in sight:


So I guess we have no other solution than to a workaround this in the code,
for example to rename the function to ieee80211_tx_status_skb() to avoid the
name conflict. I got the idea for the name from ieee80211_tx_status_noskb() in
which the skb is not provided as an argument, instead with
ieee80211_tx_status_skb() the skb is provided.

Compile tested only.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit 2703bc8 ("wifi: mac80211: rename ieee80211_tx_status() to ieee80211_tx_status_skb()").

Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>
matrix-wsk pushed a commit to deepin-community/kernel that referenced this pull request Jan 30, 2024
…i driver up to v6.7 (#69)

* wifi: mac80211: add support for mld in ieee80211_chswitch_done

commit a469a59 ("wifi: mac80211: add support for mld in ieee80211_chswitch_done") upstream.

This allows to finalize the CSA per link.
In case the switch didn't work, tear down the MLD connection.
Also pass the ieee80211_bss_conf to post_channel_switch to let the
driver know which link completed the switch.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit a469a59 ("wifi: mac80211: add support for mld in ieee80211_chswitch_done").

Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Grumbach <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: support antenna control in injection

commit ef246a1 ("wifi: mac80211: support antenna control in injection") upstream.

Support antenna control for injection by parsing the antenna
radiotap field (which may be presented multiple times) and
telling the driver about the resulting antenna bitmap. Of
course there's no guarantee the driver will actually honour
this, just like any other injection control.

If misconfigured, i.e. the injected HT/VHT MCS needs more
chains than antennas are configured, the bitmap is reset to
zero, indicating no selection.

For now this is only set up for two anntenas so we keep more
free bits, but that can be trivially extended if any driver
implements support for it that can deal with hardware with
more antennas.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit ef246a1 ("wifi: mac80211: support antenna control in injection").

Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: Rename and update IEEE80211_VIF_DISABLE_SMPS_OVERRIDE

commit 00f823b ("wifi: mac80211: Rename and update IEEE80211_VIF_DISABLE_SMPS_OVERRIDE") upstream.

EMLSR operation and SMPS operation cannot coexist. Thus, when EMLSR is
enabled, all SMPS signaling towards the AP should be stopped (it is
expected that the AP will consider SMPS to be off).

and use the flag as an indication from the driver that EMLSR is enabled.
When EMLSR is enabled SMPS flows towards the AP MLD should be stopped.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit 00f823b ("wifi: mac80211: Rename and update IEEE80211_VIF_DISABLE_SMPS_OVERRIDE").

Signed-off-by: Ilan Peer <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: make mgd_protect_tdls_discover MLO-aware

commit 271d14b ("wifi: mac80211: make mgd_protect_tdls_discover MLO-aware") upstream.

Since userspace can choose now what link to establish the
TDLS on, we should know on what channel to do session protection.
Add a link id parameter to this callback.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit 271d14b ("wifi: mac80211: make mgd_protect_tdls_discover MLO-aware").

Signed-off-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: add a driver callback to add vif debugfs

commit a1f5dcb ("wifi: mac80211: add a driver callback to add vif debugfs") upstream.

Add a callback which the driver can use to add the vif debugfs.
We used to have this back until commit d260ff1 ("mac80211:
remove vif debugfs driver callbacks") where we thought that it
will be easier to just add them during interface add/remove.

However, now with multi-link, we want to have proper debugfs
for drivers for multi-link where some files might be in the
netdev for non-MLO connections, and in the links for MLO ones,
so we need to do some reconstruction when switching the mode.

Moving to this new call enables that and MLO drivers will have
to use it for proper debugfs operation.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit a1f5dcb ("wifi: mac80211: add a driver callback to add vif debugfs").

Signed-off-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>

* wifi: mac80211: Notify the low level driver on change in MLO valid links

commit 041a74c ("wifi: mac80211: Notify the low level driver on change in MLO valid links") upstream.

Notify the low level driver when there is change in the valid links.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit 041a74c ("wifi: mac80211: Notify the low level driver on change in MLO valid links").

Signed-off-by: Ilan Peer <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: Check if we had first beacon with relevant links

commit e433304 ("wifi: mac80211: Check if we had first beacon with relevant links") upstream.

If there is a disassoc before the fisrt beacon we need to protect a
session for the deauth frame. Currently we are checking if we had a
beacon in the default link, which is wrong in a MLO connection and
link id != 0.
Fix this by checking all the active links, if none had a beacon then
protect a session.
If at least one link had a beacon there is no need for session

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit e433304 ("wifi: mac80211: Check if we had first beacon with relevant links").

Signed-off-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: add link id to mgd_prepare_tx()

commit e76f3b4 ("wifi: mac80211: add link id to mgd_prepare_tx()") upstream.

As we are moving to MLO and links terms, also the airtime protection
will be done for a link rather than for a vif. Thus, some
drivers will need to know for which link to protect airtime.
Add link id as a parameter to the mgd_prepare_tx() callback.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit e76f3b4 ("wifi: mac80211: add link id to mgd_prepare_tx()").

Signed-off-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: mac80211: rename ieee80211_tx_status() to ieee80211_tx_status_skb()

commit 2703bc8 ("wifi: mac80211: rename ieee80211_tx_status() to ieee80211_tx_status_skb()") upstream.

make htmldocs warns:

Documentation/driver-api/80211/mac80211:109: ./include/net/mac80211.h:5170: WARNING: Duplicate C declaration, also defined at mac80211:1117.
Declaration is '.. c:function:: void ieee80211_tx_status (struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb)'.

This is because there's a function named ieee80211_tx_status() and a struct named
ieee80211_tx_status. This has been discussed previously but no solution found:

There's also a bug open for three years with no solution in sight:


So I guess we have no other solution than to a workaround this in the code,
for example to rename the function to ieee80211_tx_status_skb() to avoid the
name conflict. I got the idea for the name from ieee80211_tx_status_noskb() in
which the skb is not provided as an argument, instead with
ieee80211_tx_status_skb() the skb is provided.

Compile tested only.

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit 2703bc8 ("wifi: mac80211: rename ieee80211_tx_status() to ieee80211_tx_status_skb()").

Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>

* wifi: cfg80211: annotate iftype_data pointer with sparse

commit e8c1841 ("wifi: cfg80211: annotate iftype_data pointer with sparse") upstream.

There were are a number of cases in mac80211 and iwlwifi (at
least) that used the sband->iftype_data pointer directly,
instead of using the accessors to find the right array entry
to use.

Make sparse warn when such a thing is done.

To not have a lot of casts, add two helper functions/macros

 - ieee80211_set_sband_iftype_data()
 - for_each_sband_iftype_data()

deepin-Intel-SIG: commit e8c1841 ("wifi: cfg80211: annotate iftype_data pointer with sparse").

Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
[ Furong Zhou: amend commit log ]
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>


Signed-off-by: Emmanuel Grumbach <>
Signed-off-by: Gregory Greenman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <>
Signed-off-by: Furong Zhou <>
Signed-off-by: Ilan Peer <>
Signed-off-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
Co-authored-by: Emmanuel Grumbach <>
Co-authored-by: Johannes Berg <>
Co-authored-by: Ilan Peer <>
Co-authored-by: Miri Korenblit <>
Co-authored-by: Kalle Valo <>
@AA-Turner AA-Turner modified the milestones: 7.x, 8.x Jul 20, 2024
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7 participants