sppclient is a Python module that aims to simplify interaction with SPP's REST API.
This module can be used for automation of testing procedures or tasks on the SPP appliance
The module is registered on PyPI and can be installed with:
$ pip install sppclient
When writing a script using sppclient import with:
import spplib.sdk.client as client
To create a session object:
session = client.SppSession("sppHost", "sppUsername", "sppPassword")
To interact with SPP API:
client.SppAPI(session, 'resource_endpoint').get()
$ python3 script.py -h (This command provides a list of input parameters needed to run the script)
$ python3 createsite.py --host="https://x.x.x.x" --user="admin" --pass="password" --sitename="samplesite" --sitedesc="This is a sample site"
$ python3 runjob.py --host="https://x.x.x.x" --user="admin" --pass="password" --jobname="samplejob"
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