Test a phone for stalkerware using a wifi hotspot and deep packet inspection.
Based on stalkerware-indicators data provided by Echap.
Modern phones test for internet connectivity and might not stay connected to the network if it doesn't complete. This check uses TLS in some cases and can't be spoofed easily, so for a reliable setup a working internet connection is required. This can be a tethered connection with a different phone.
This is the only configuration required.
Edit roles/spytrap/files/wpa_supplicant.conf
This was developed using Arch Linux ARM:
# Build from source
cross build --release --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
# TODO: missing setup steps for pi zero
# on pi zero: install nginx openbsd-netcat gdb lsof dnsmasq tcpdump hostapd sniffglue socat tmux htop
# Edit the inventory with the ip of the pi zero
vim inventory
# Deploy
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml
sudo sniffglue --json enp0s25 | cargo run stream