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MongoDB with .Net Core

The implementation is of a sample use case, of a Country database. The database has information of all the countries in the world.

The information includes,

  • Country Name

  • ISO Codes

  • Geo Co-Ordinates

  • Flag

The information is stored in MongoDB in the form of documents in collection, retrieved using MongoDB client in .Net & provided back over an REST API built in .Net Core 3.1. To view the information a simple Blazor web application is implemented which displays the information.


The database is CountryDB. There are two collections in the database

Name Usage
Country Stores the country basic information
Flag Stores images of the flags of the country. The images are stored in binary format.

Sample Country Document







"OfficialName":"Republic of India",






The data is exposed over an Web API build with .Net Core 3.1. The solution uses repository pattern to access the data from the database.

  • Retrieve list of countries :
GET api/country/list
  • Retrieve Country Information :
GET api/country/Id
  • Retrieve flag :
GET api/flag/Id

Running the application

Refer below links for MongoDB


After the server is up & running, Collections & database can be created via mongo shell

use CountryDB

Compass is an GUI based tool for working with MongoDB

Rest API : Basics.Countries.Service

dotnet run Basics.Countries.Service.csproj

To seed sample data execute the Basics.Countries.ConsoleApp or execute http://localhost:5000/api/seeding/run endpoint on the API URL.

Sample Client App : Basics.Countries.BlazorApp

dotnet run Basics.Countries.BlazorApp.csproj

The application is default configured to run on 5010 port. http://localhost:5010