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Customer Relationship Management System


  1. About Project
  2. Technologies used
  3. How to install and setup this project in your system
  4. How to contribute
  5. Live Demo

About Project

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a software solution designed to help businesses manage their interactions with customers and improve customer satisfaction. It enables companies to capture, store, and analyse customer data, including contact information, purchase history, and preferences. This information is used to personalise interactions with customers, tailor marketing campaigns, and ultimately drive sales.A CRM system allows businesses to track customer interactions across multiple channels, such as email, phone, and social media, providing a complete view of the customer journey. Implementing a CRM system can benefit companies of all sizes and industries by increasing efficiency, streamlining processes, and improving customer retention. It can also provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and deliver more targeted marketing campaigns. Overall, a well-designed CRM system can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and drive long-term success.

Technologies Used

Front End

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript

Back End

Django Python



Text Editor

Visual Studio Code



Version Control and Open Source

Git GitHub

Backend server


How to install and setup this project in your system


  1. Install Git Version Control [ ]

  2. Install MySql []

  3. Install Python Latest Version [ ]

  4. Install Pip (Package Manager) [ ]

Alternative to Pip is Homebrew


1. Create a Folder where you want to save the project

2. Create a Virtual Environment and Activate

Install Virtual Environment First

$  pip install virtualenv

Create Virtual Environment

For Windows

$  python -m venv your-env-name

For Mac

$  python3 -m venv your-env-name

Activate Virtual Environment

For Windows

$  source your-env-name/scripts/activate

For Mac

$  source your-env-name/bin/activate

3. Fork this project

Open my github repository

on the top right side you will see the 'fork' button, click it and give your forked repository a name.

4. install required libraries

$ python -m pip install django 
$ python -m pip install Pillow 

5. Clone this project

$  git clone

Then, Enter the project

$  cd CRM

How to contribute

After the project is installed and setup in your system, You can make your changes or modifications. And when you are done push the code to your forked repo

  • Add changes to staging area
$  git add .
  • Commit your changes
$  git commit -am "short description of your changes"
  • Push your changes
$  git push origin master

Live Demo

Ecommerce website :-
CRM :-
login :-
username = Admin1
password = qwerty@123

Thank You