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squashed cms-sw#23799 (New pixel RecHit infrastructure for FastSim (f…
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kpedro88 authored and ssekmen committed Nov 20, 2018
1 parent 53bbd45 commit 78e0983
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#ifndef FastSimulation_TrackingRecHitProducer_PixelResolutionHistograms_h
#define FastSimulation_TrackingRecHitProducer_PixelResolutionHistograms_h 1

class TFile;
class TH1F;
class TH2F;
class TAxis;
class RandomEngineAndDistribution;
class SimpleHistogramGenerator;

#include <memory>

/// #define COTBETA_HIST_MAX 30
/// #define COTALPHA_HIST_MAX 20
/// #define QBIN_HIST_MAX 4

static constexpr unsigned int COTBETA_HIST_MAX = 30;
static constexpr unsigned int COTALPHA_HIST_MAX = 20;
static constexpr unsigned int QBIN_HIST_MAX = 4;

class PixelResolutionHistograms {

//--- Constructor to use when generating resolution histograms.
// We make empty histograms (which we own), but generator pointers
// remain null.
PixelResolutionHistograms( std::string filename, // ROOT file for histograms
std::string rootdir, // Subdirectory in the file, "" if none
std::string descTitle, // Descriptive title
unsigned int detType, // Where we are... (&&& do we need this?)
double cotbetaBinWidth, // cot(beta) : bin width,
double cotbetaLowEdge, // : low endpoint,
int cotbetaBins, // : # of bins
double cotalphaBinWidth, // cot(alpha): bin width,
double cotalphaLowEdge, // : low endpoint,
int cotalphaBins ); // : # of bins
//int qbinWidth,
//int qbins )

//--- Constructor to use when reading the histograms from a file (e.g. when
// inside a running FastSim job). We get the histograms from a
// ROOT file, and we do *not* own them. But we do own the
// generators.
PixelResolutionHistograms( std::string filename, // ROOT file for histograms
std::string rootdir = "", // ROOT dir, "" if none
int detType = -1, // default: read from ROOT file.
bool ignore_multi = false, // Forward Big is always single
bool ignore_single = false, // Edge does not need single pixels
bool ignore_qBin = false ); // qBin histograms not used right now (future expansion)

//--- Destructor (virtual, just in case)
virtual ~PixelResolutionHistograms();

//--- Status after construction (esp.loading from file). Non-zero if there
// were problems.
inline int status() { return status_ ; }

//--- Fill one entry in one resolution histogram. Use when making histograms.
int Fill( double dx, double dy, // the difference wrt true hit
double cotalpha, double cotbeta, // cotangent of local angles
int qbin, // Qbin = category for how much charge we have
int nxpix, int nypix ); // length of cluster along x,y (only care if ==1 or not)

//--- Get generators, for resolution in X and Y. Use in FastSim.
const SimpleHistogramGenerator * getGeneratorX( double cotalpha,
double cotbeta,
int qbin,
bool singlex );

const SimpleHistogramGenerator * getGeneratorY( double cotalpha,
double cotbeta,
int qbin,
bool singley );

// Do we own the histograms, or not?
bool weOwnHistograms_ ;

// Where we are.
unsigned int detType_ ; // 1 for barrel, 0 for forward /// May not need this?

// Resolution binning
double cotbetaBinWidth_ ;
double cotbetaLowEdge_ ;
int cotbetaBins_ ;
double cotalphaBinWidth_ ;
double cotalphaLowEdge_ ;
int cotalphaBins_ ;
int qbinWidth_ ;
int qbins_ ;

// The dummy histogram to hold the binning, and the two cached axes.
TH2F * binningHisto_ ;
TAxis * cotbetaAxis_ ;
TAxis * cotalphaAxis_ ;

// Resolution histograms. I (Petar) tried to dynamically allocate
// these histograms, but all possible implementations were somewhat
// complicated, which would make the code harder to understand,
// debug, and thus support in the long term. Since we are here only
// booking pointers of histograms, we will instead book larger
// matrices, and leave them partially empty. But who cares -- the
// wasted memory of a few hundred null pointers is negligible.
// The constructor will then fill only the first cotbetaBins_ x
// cotalphaBins_ x qbinBins_ histograms in the matrix, and we'll
// ignore the rest.

// File with histograms to load.
std::unique_ptr<TFile> file_ ;

// Status of loading. Check if there were errors.
int status_ ;

// Identical binning and parameterization for FastSim generators.
SimpleHistogramGenerator * resMultiPixelXGen_ [ COTBETA_HIST_MAX ][ COTALPHA_HIST_MAX ][ QBIN_HIST_MAX ] ;
SimpleHistogramGenerator * resSinglePixelXGen_ [ COTBETA_HIST_MAX ][ COTALPHA_HIST_MAX ];
SimpleHistogramGenerator * resMultiPixelYGen_ [ COTBETA_HIST_MAX ][ COTALPHA_HIST_MAX ][ QBIN_HIST_MAX ];
SimpleHistogramGenerator * resSinglePixelYGen_ [ COTBETA_HIST_MAX ][ COTALPHA_HIST_MAX ];
SimpleHistogramGenerator * qbinGen_ [ COTBETA_HIST_MAX ][ COTALPHA_HIST_MAX ];

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#include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/Point3DBase.h"
#include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/LocalError.h"

// STL
// STL. <memory> needed for uniq_ptr<>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

class TFile;
class RandomEngineAndDistribution;
class SimpleHistogramGenerator;
class PixelResolutionHistograms;

class PixelTemplateSmearerBase:
public TrackingRecHitAlgorithm
Expand All @@ -47,48 +48,54 @@ class PixelTemplateSmearerBase:

bool mergeHitsOn;
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > thePixelTemp_;
int templateId;
bool isFlipped(const PixelGeomDetUnit* theDet) const;
//isForward, true for forward, false for barrel
bool isForward;
bool mergeHitsOn = false; // if true then see if neighboring hits might merge

//--- Template DB Object(s)
const SiPixelTemplateDBObject * pixelTemplateDBObject_ = nullptr; // needed for template<-->DetId map.
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > thePixelTemp_ ; // our own template storage
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > & thePixelTempRef = thePixelTemp_; // points to the one we will use.
int templateId = -1;

double rescotAlpha_binMin , rescotAlpha_binWidth;
unsigned int rescotAlpha_binN;
double rescotBeta_binMin , rescotBeta_binWidth;
unsigned int rescotBeta_binN;
int resqbin_binMin, resqbin_binWidth;
unsigned int resqbin_binN;
//--- Flag to tell us whether we are in barrel or in forward.
// This is needed since the parameterization is slightly
// different for forward, since all forward detectors cover
// a smaller range of local incidence angles and thus
// the clusters are shorter and have less charge.
bool isBarrel;

std::map<unsigned int, const SimpleHistogramGenerator*> theXHistos;
std::map<unsigned int, const SimpleHistogramGenerator*> theYHistos;

std::unique_ptr<TFile> theEdgePixelResolutionFile;
//--- The histogram storage containers.
std::shared_ptr<PixelResolutionHistograms> theEdgePixelResolutions;
std::string theEdgePixelResolutionFileName;
std::unique_ptr<TFile> theBigPixelResolutionFile;

std::shared_ptr<PixelResolutionHistograms> theBigPixelResolutions;
std::string theBigPixelResolutionFileName;
std::unique_ptr<TFile> theRegularPixelResolutionFile;

std::shared_ptr<PixelResolutionHistograms> theRegularPixelResolutions;
std::string theRegularPixelResolutionFileName;

//--- Files with hit merging information:
std::unique_ptr<TFile> theMergingProbabilityFile;
std::string theMergingProbabilityFileName;

std::unique_ptr<TFile> theMergedPixelResolutionXFile;
std::string theMergedPixelResolutionXFileName;
std::unique_ptr<TFile> theMergedPixelResolutionYFile;
std::string theMergedPixelResolutionYFileName;

unsigned int theLayer;
std::unique_ptr<TFile> theMergedPixelResolutionYFile;
std::string theMergedPixelResolutionYFileName;


explicit PixelTemplateSmearerBase( const std::string& name,
const edm::ParameterSet& config,
edm::ConsumesCollector& consumesCollector );

~PixelTemplateSmearerBase() override;
TrackingRecHitProductPtr process(TrackingRecHitProductPtr product) const override;
// void beginEvent(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup) override;
void beginRun(edm::Run const& run, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup,
const SiPixelTemplateDBObject * pixelTemplateDBObjectPtr,
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > & tempStoreRef ) override;
// void endEvent(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup) override;

//--- Process all unmerged hits. Calls smearHit() for each.
TrackingRecHitProductPtr processUnmergedHits(
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#include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
#include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ProducerBase.h"
#include "FastSimulation/TrackingRecHitProducer/interface/TrackingRecHitProduct.h"

#include "FastSimulation/Utilities/interface/RandomEngineAndDistribution.h"

// Pixel-related stuff:
#include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelTemplateDBObject.h"
#include "CondFormats/SiPixelTransient/interface/SiPixelTemplate.h"

#include <string>
#include <memory>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,9 +56,15 @@ class TrackingRecHitAlgorithm
//this function will only be called once per stream
virtual void beginStream(const edm::StreamID& id);

//this function will only be called once per run
virtual void beginRun(edm::Run const& run, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup,
const SiPixelTemplateDBObject * pixelTemplateDBObjectPtr,
std::vector< SiPixelTemplateStore > & tempStoreRef );

//this function will only be called once per event
virtual void beginEvent(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup);

//the main action is here
virtual TrackingRecHitProductPtr process(TrackingRecHitProductPtr product) const;

//this function will only be called once per event
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