Objective to Implement a linear kalman Filter in python with an example.
The Kalman Filter is a derived from the Family of Gaussian Filters which was invented by swerling in 1958 ti study the filtering and prediction on linear Gaussian Systems.The output of the KF is a belief vector for continuos time systems. It is not applicable to discrete or Hybrid State Spaces.The Kalman filter represents beliefs by the moments parameterization: At
time t, the belief is represented by the the mean μt and the covariance Σt.
GAUSSIAN POSTERIOR Posteriors are Gaussian if the following three properties hold, in addition tothe Markov assumptions of the Bayes filter.\
You will have to assign reasonable values to all of these before running the filter. All must have dtype of float. \
- x : ndarray (dim_x, 1), default = [0,0,0…0] filter state estimate
- P : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x), default eye(dim_x) covariance matrix
- Q : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x), default eye(dim_x) Process uncertainty/noise
- R : ndarray (dim_z, dim_z), default eye(dim_x) measurement uncertainty/noise
- H : ndarray (dim_z, dim_x) measurement function
- F : ndarray (dim_x, dim_x) state transistion matrix
- B : ndarray (dim_x, dim_u), default 0 control transition matrix
- alpha : float
Assign a value > 1.0 to turn this into a fading memory filter.\
- K : ndarray
- Kalman gain that was used in the most recent update() call.
- Y : ndarray
- Residual calculated in the most recent update() call. I.e., the different between the measurement and the current estimated state projected into measurement space (z - Hx)
- S : ndarray
- System uncertainty projected into measurement space. I.e., HPH’ + R. Probably not very useful, but it is here if you want it.
- likelihood : float
Likelihood of last measurment update.
log_likelihood : float
Log likelihood of last measurment update.
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv
x_observations = np.array([4000, 4260, 4550, 4860, 5110]) #Distance Values of THe aircraft
v_observations = np.array([280, 282, 285, 286, 290]) #velocity of the aircraft at the given distance
z = np.c_[x_observations, v_observations]
# Initial Conditions
a = 2 # Acceleration
v = 280
t = 1 # Difference in time
# Process / Estimation Errors
error_est_x = 20 #error in sensor during measurement
error_est_v = 5
# Observation Errors
error_obs_x = 25 # Uncertainty in the measurement
error_obs_v = 6
def prediction2d(x, v, t, a):
A = np.array([[1, t],
[0, 1]])
X = np.array([[x],
B = np.array([[0.5 * t ** 2],
X_prime = A.dot(X) + B.dot(a)
return X_prime
def covariance2d(sigma1, sigma2):
cov1_2 = sigma1 * sigma2
cov2_1 = sigma2 * sigma1
cov_matrix = np.array([[sigma1 ** 2, cov1_2],
[cov2_1, sigma2 ** 2]])
return np.diag(np.diag(cov_matrix))
# Initial Estimation Covariance Matrix
P = covariance2d(error_est_x, error_est_v)
A = np.array([[1, t],
[0, 1]])
# Initial State Matrix
X = np.array([[z[0][0]],
n = len(z[0])
for data in z[1:]:
X = prediction2d(X[0][0], X[1][0], t, a)
# To simplify the problem, professor
# set off-diagonal terms to 0.
P = np.diag(np.diag(A.dot(P).dot(A.T)))
# Calculating the Kalman Gain
H = np.identity(n)
R = covariance2d(error_obs_x, error_obs_v)
S = H.dot(P).dot(H.T) + R
K = P.dot(H).dot(inv(S))
# Reshape the new data into the measurement space.
Y = H.dot(data).reshape(n, -1)
# Update the State Matrix
# Combination of the predicted state, measured values, covariance matrix and Kalman Gain
X = X + K.dot(Y - H.dot(X))
# Update Process Covariance Matrix
P = (np.identity(len(K)) - K.dot(H)).dot(P)
print("Expected postion and velocity of the aircraft the the current time")
print("Kalman Filter State Matrix:\n", X)