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Common Issues with Workarounds

James Blair edited this page Dec 22, 2015 · 10 revisions

I can't log into the Control Panel

  • Did you try going to /cp instead of /admin?
  • Check your folder permission's: site local & statamic should likely be 774 or 777 if all else fails. Read More
  • Set the user's password:
  • (A) Navigate to then
  • (B) add password: yourpassword in {webroot}/site/users/admin.yaml and update email: to whatever you'd like to login with. update email is now optional since you can login with the admin user instead of using the email field.
  • (C) Refresh the CP login page and confirm that a new password_hash: was set in admin.yaml.
  • (D) Log in using your new credentials.

I can't... XYZ...

  • Did you try clearing out the local/cache/stache folder?
  • or run php please cache:clear
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