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The complete AI-powered multi-vendor marketplace platform.


  • Payments: Supporting major providers. Control what payment methods are enabled for your customers.
  • Vendor Payouts: Scheduled and automated transfers to your vendor customers and providers. Relevant if you intend to sell those products for your vendors and then pay them.
  • Automated Global Shipping: Get rates and delivery date estimates, allow your vendors to purchase shipping labels, schedule shipments, and automatically optimize routes. Supporting 100+ carriers worldwide.
  • Fully Featured Analytics System: For your marketplace and your vendor partners. Includes pre-configured and customizable dashboards.
  • Automatic Compliant Taxes: Integrated tax automation systems, reporting, and filing. Available for your marketplace as well as your customers.
  • Permissioned Dashboards: Fine-tune dashboard access to assets (products, order data, etc.) with no-code from your superuser control center. Includes two versions: super_admin (your staff) and admin (your customers).
  • Cross-Platform: Your buyers can reach your marketplace on the web and natively on Android and iOS.
  • One-Click Launch: Fill out a form to select the features you need, and hit the Launch button... Boom, your marketplace is live.
  • Fully Automated Catalogue Acquisition: Delight your vendors with hands-off product catalog loading from any of their existing online stores or from a CSV file at no additional cost.
  • Built-in Chat Functionality: Allow your vendors to stay in touch with their customers right from your marketplace.
  • Search: Full-text and image search. Users can find similar products using image search or find products from loose textual descriptions.
  • Built-in Support for Content Marketing: Built-in beautiful content management interface. Write blogs, upload or link images & videos, and associate thematically similar content with relevant products.

The AI Part

  • One-Click Model Integration: Enable AI capabilities ranging from language, vision to generative and instruct models with no extra configs. Use the built-in API to select models and perform inference on the fly. (more on what to do with this below)
  • Supporting Both CPU and GPU-Based Compute.
  • Specialized Scalable Databases: Incorporate vector databases from the most reputed providers. Choose from a list of free open-source as well as proprietary software.

Benefits of the AI Layer

  • Semantic Search: Text & image (matches by the meaning of the content).
  • Customer Support: Pretrained models with continuous learning capabilities.
  • Asset Classification: Supports text and media. Automatically organize unstructured data and media assets from vendor catalogs, to internal knowledge bases, and everything in between.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Orient your marketplace's product strategy and development, maximize your vendors' performance by providing meaningful insights, and a wealth of other use cases.
  • Relevant Recommendations: Tailor your offering to your vendors' needs and help them do the same with their buyers.
  • And Much More...