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Egon Elbre edited this page Aug 26, 2019 · 1 revision


Chores handle internal peer logic that needs to happen in regular intervals. Chores use databases or other services to fulfill their logic.

Chores have a lifecycle, which means they must be run and shutdown.

Adding a new chore

To add a new chore there are few steps:

  1. add a new chore implementation
  2. add a new config definition, if needed
  3. add the chore to the corresponding peer 3.1. add it to the appropriate subsystem in the peer struct definition 3.2. wire it together in New 3.3. call Run in peer.Run 3.3. call Close in peer.Close
  4. add config to testplanet


A basic chore implementation looks like:s

package orders

import (

// DB implements storing orders for sending to the satellite.
type DB interface {
	// Enqueue inserts order to the list of orders needing to be sent to the satellite.
	Enqueue(ctx context.Context, info *Info) error
	// ListUnsent returns orders that haven't been sent yet.
	ListUnsent(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]*Info, error)
	// ListUnsentBySatellite returns orders that haven't been sent yet grouped by satellite.
	ListUnsentBySatellite(ctx context.Context) (map[storj.NodeID][]*Info, error)

	// Archive marks order as being handled.
	Archive(ctx context.Context, satellite storj.NodeID, serial storj.SerialNumber, status Status) error

	// ListArchived returns orders that have been sent.
	ListArchived(ctx context.Context, limit int) ([]*ArchivedInfo, error)

// Config defines configuration for sending orders.
type Config struct {
	Interval time.Duration `help:"duration between sending" default:"1h0m0s"`
	Timeout  time.Duration `help:"timeout for sending" default:"1h0m0s"`

// Sender sends every interval unsent orders to the satellite.
type Sender struct {
	// common things
	log    *zap.Logger
	config Config
	// dependencies
	transport transport.Client
	kademlia  *kademlia.Kademlia
	orders    DB

	Loop sync2.Cycle // use cycle to run things in intervals

// NewSender creates an order sender.
func NewSender(log *zap.Logger, transport transport.Client, kademlia *kademlia.Kademlia, orders DB, config Config) *Sender {
	return &Sender{
		log:       log,
		transport: transport,
		kademlia:  kademlia,
		orders:    orders,
		config:    config,

		Loop: *sync2.NewCycle(config.Interval),

// Run sends orders on every interval to the appropriate satellites.
func (sender *Sender) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	return sender.Loop.Run(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {

		ordersBySatellite, err := sender.orders.ListUnsentBySatellite(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			sender.log.Error("listing orders", zap.Error(err))
			return nil

		if len(ordersBySatellite) > 0 {
			var group errgroup.Group
			ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, sender.config.Timeout)
			defer cancel()

			for satelliteID, orders := range ordersBySatellite {
				satelliteID, orders := satelliteID, orders
				group.Go(func() error {

					sender.Settle(ctx, satelliteID, orders)
					return nil
			_ = group.Wait() // doesn't return errors
		} else {
			sender.log.Debug("no orders to send")

		return nil

// Close stops the sending service.
func (sender *Sender) Close() error {
	return nil