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Jess G edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 3 revisions


Peer is the top-level entity in Storj. In the production network every peer runs in a standalone process (except Satellite, which is many processes). For tests multiple peers may run in a single process.

Peers describe how a particular network participant is setup, wired together and run.

Currently the network contains these peers:

  1. Storage Node
  2. Uplink
  3. Version Control
  4. Satellite (the satellite peer is made up of satellite.Core, satellite.API, and satellite.Repairer)


In principle we can think of the full flow of Storage Node and Satellite as:

  1. Identity of the particular peer class is loaded. This is used to uniquely identify the peer on the network.
  2. A connection(s) to the database is made.
  3. Peer is created: 3.1. Creation takes identity and database as an argument 3.2. Listeners and servers are started. 3.3. Every subsystem is created one by one: 3.3.1. every sub-system consists of services and endpoints 3.3.2. uses other services or databases as dependencies 3.3.3. endpoints register themselves to the server
  4. Peer is started using Run, which: 4.1. starts the services, 4.2. starts waiting for network requests.
  5. Peer is running until,
  6. Peer is stopped via canceling the context used for Run. 6.1. This cancels all subsystems in the reverse creation order.
  7. Peer is closed and all service and endpoint resources released.
  8. Database is closed

Other peers may have a simplified setup.

Example Peer

Here is an example showing how a Peer works internally and its general layout.

package example

// DB is the master database for Example Peer
type DB interface {
	CreateTables() error
	Close() error

	Overlay() overlay.DB

// Config is all the configuration parameters for a Example Node
type Config struct {
	Identity identity.Config

	Server  server.Config
	Overlay overlay.Config

// Peer is the representation of a Example Node.
type Peer struct {
	// core dependencies
	Log      *zap.Logger
	Identity *identity.FullIdentity
	DB       DB

	Transport transport.Client
	Server    *server.Server

	Overlay struct {
		Service  *overlay.Service
		Endpoint *overlay.Endpoint

// New creates a new example Peer
func New(log *zap.Logger, full *identity.FullIdentity, db DB, config Config) (*Peer, error) {
	peer := &Peer{
		Log:      log,
		Identity: full,
		DB:       db,

	var err error
		// setup listener and server
		// here we setup TLS for servers and transport.Client for connecting to other peers.
		sc := config.Server
		options, err := tlsopts.NewOptions(peer.Identity, sc.Config)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.Combine(err, peer.Close())

		peer.Transport = transport.NewClient(options)

		peer.Server, err = server.New(options, sc.Address, sc.PrivateAddress, nil)
		// in case of any errors we need to close everything that was already started
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.Combine(err, peer.Close())

	{ // setup overlay
		config := config.Overlay

		// create an overlay service using the database that is retrieved from master database
		peer.Overlay.Service, err = overlay.NewService(peer.DB.Overlay(), config)
		// in case of any errors we close everything that was already started
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.Combine(err, peer.Close())

		// create an overlay endpoint, which uses overlay service for domain logic
		peer.Service.Endpoint = overlay.NewEndpoint(peer.Log.Named("overlay:endpoint"), peer.Overlay.Service)
		// register overlay endpoint to the server
		pb.RegisterOverlayServer(peer.Server.GRPC(), peer.Overlay.Endpoint)

	return peer, nil

// Run runs the peer until it's either closed or it errors.
func (peer *Peer) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
	// setup a errgroup, such that we stop the peer together when one of the endpoint or services fails.
	group, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)

	// start overlay service as a separate goroutine
	group.Go(func() error {
		return ignoreCancel(peer.Overlay.Service.Run(ctx))

	// start the public server
	group.Go(func() error {
		return ignoreCancel(peer.Server.Run(ctx))

	// wait for termination
	return group.Wait()

// we ignore cancellation and stopping errors since they are expected
func ignoreCancel(err error) error {
	if err == context.Canceled || err == grpc.ErrServerStopped || err == http.ErrServerClosed {
		return nil
	return err

// Close closes all the resources.
func (peer *Peer) Close() error {
	// error list for collecting all the errors
	var errlist errs.Group

	// close servers, to avoid new connections to closing subsystems
	if peer.Server != nil {

	// stop the service
	if peer.Overlay.Service != nil {

	return errlist.Err()
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