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Tally Vs Rollup

Jennifer Li Johnson edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

Tally vs Rollup

The terms "tally" and "rollup" are used throughout the code base. Their specific meanings have been a source of confusion since their meanings are similar.

The purpose of this document is to:


Tally adds up values over a span of time. The span of time depends on how long it takes to iteratively add up all values. Transactions that happen during tallying may or may not be accounted in the current result. Transactions that happened before tallying started are always included.

Rollup involves summarizing data over a time interval. Where the time interval can be 1 hr, 1 day, 1 month, etc. Rollups can aggregate the tally data or some other data, for example Order amounts.

What Problem is Being Solved

We need to create invoices from Uplinks to display what they are paying for. We also need generate payments for storage nodes. Uplinks pay for/storage nodes get paid for two things. One, bytes of egress bandwidth and two, bytes of data stored. In order to calculate bandwidth and storage bytes, we need a way to keep track of usage. We do this with tally and rollups.

Implementations of Tally and Rollup

Here is a high level overview of how tallies and rollups are used in the code base.

The items that are tallied include:

  • storage usage (i.e. byte hours stored) for storage nodes
  • storage usage (i.e. bytes stored) for uplinks

The items that are rolled-up include:

  • storage usage for storage nodes
  • storage usage for uplinks
  • bandwidth usage for storage nodes
  • bandwidth usage for uplinks

Storage usage is tallied when the Tally service runs


There is a Tally service which runs every x mins (where x is configurable, defaults to 1 hr). This Tally service loops through PointerDB and adds up all the inline and remote data currently stored on each SN then creates a record in bucket_storage_tallies and storagenode_storage_tallies database tables with that information.

Storage usage is rolled-up when the Rollup service runs


There is a Rollup service which runs every x mins (where x is configurable, defaults to 120 seconds). This Rollup service aggregates all the tally records since the last time the Rollup service ran. Then a record is created in bucket_storage_rollups and storagenode_storage_rollups tables with that information.

Bandwidth usage is rolled-up when SA settles Orders


When the SA receives requests to settle Orders from the SN, the SA then adds/updates a record to the storagenode_bandwidth_rollups and bucket_bandwidth_rollups Satellite.DB tables with the settled amount. The SA updates the record if a rollup already exists for the time interval (currently 1 hr interval), or creates a new record otherwise.

List of databases and the tables involved in tallies and rollups:

Satellite.DB tables:

  • storagenode_bandwidth_rollups
  • bucket_bandwidth_rollups
  • bucket_storage_tallies
  • storagenode_storage_tallies
  • bucket_storage_rollups
  • storagenode_storage_rollups

Summary table:

Rollup for bandwidth Tally for storage Rollup for storage
who creates data SA Tally service Rollup service
when is data created SA creates/updates rollup when settling Orders from SN when Tally service runs when Rollup service runs
where is data stored adds/updates a record in storagenode_bandwidth_rollup & bucket_bandwidth_rollup table adds a record in bucket_storage_tally & storagenode_storage_tally table adds a record in bucket_storage_rollup & storagenode_storage_rollup table

Notes on units and calculations

As stated above, storage usage for storagenodes is stored in the storagenode_storage_tallies as byte hours. These values are calculated within the Tally method of the tally service. Each quantity of storage is multiplied by the time since the service last ran.

The storage usage for uplinks (buckets) is slightly different. First the storage usage for buckets is calculated within the same Tally method as that of the storagenodes. Then it's stored within bucket_storage_tallies as simply bytes, not byte hours. The units are converted to byte hours within the ProjecAccounting interface's GetBucketUsageRollups method which sums the data from bucket_storage_tallies for a given period.