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End of Game Trial

Sindhu Singamneni edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

This module is the logic that enables a player to contradict statements made by the principal by presenting evidence gathered by the player - whether it be physical items, or statements made by others.

Figure 1: Figure 1

Shown above in Figure 1, upon talking to the principal, players are granted the choice as to whether they are ready for the trial. By pressing yes, the trial immediately begins in which the principal will say a series of statements - and at the end, the user is prompted to present evidence which contradicts what the principal has said.

Figure 2:

Figure 3 :

Figure 4:

As shown in both Figure 2, and Figure 3, the evidence submission is provided both in inventory and journal. By selecting an item, and pressing submit, the user will either proceed with the trial if correct, or will lose a life if incorrect, in which the user continues from the last statement. The ducks at the top left indicate the chances or the number of lives the player has. Regardless of evidence submitted, the user will gain and lose score depending on the evidence submitted - however, this was hidden by the lives overlay and was a huge oversight by us. Upon losing all 3 lives, the user loses the trial, and is greeted by the ‘game over’ screen shown in Figure 4.

This trial was implemented by coupling the TextBoxManager with the TrialScript. Given the short amount of time - it was more important to push a product out. The trial script notifies the TextBoxManager when a change is to occur, and depending on the branch the player has taken, it appropriately loads the script corresponding to the branch within the story. This was done through case statements, which specified the evidence required, and the order of the next script to be loaded.

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