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Fixed Level Design

jxturtle edited this page Oct 26, 2017 · 8 revisions

As Gumshoe may not have been able to be approved for the Android Play Store, our team provided a back up to meet the game's Advanced Design Features. We chose to implement fixed level design by splitting into 2 levels, and having different game objectives surrounding the central theme. The two levels that have been implemented are Acts 1 and 2 of Gumshoe.

Act 1

  • Objective behind this level is to find out if the principal was right to accuse Bruce of stealing the exam scripts.

  • Consists of a minigame which is the main RNG feature of the game, and gives the player the opportunity to use their analytical skills during the game.

  • There are fewer rooms the player has to visit, therefore they require less number of evidence to get through to the next level. This level is essentially a precursor to the much harder level 2.

Act 2

  • The fixed-level design feature required of us to create a level to succeed Act 1 that progressed the story, as well as increase the difficulty of the game. Since our game is based heavily on the storyline, Act 2 is logically more difficult than Act 1. Its objective demands the player to hone and use their critical literacy skills in order to successfully complete Act 2. Unlike Act 1, this level introduces a substantial amount of red herrings and the player will need to talk to almost twice the number of NPCs as in Act 1 before they can incriminate someone during the trial to decide who the perpetrator is.

  • Objective behind this level is to find out who the culprit is(if the player and the principal are convinced that it was not Bruce).

  • The game features another mini-game. This game requires the player to blow into their microphone to get rid of the dust on a piece of paper. This minigame was intended to be a distraction and diversion as this feature was intended to implement a fun and interactive method of collecting evidence.

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