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Subutai Control Center Help

Amangeldi Zhusubaliev edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 5 revisions

What is the Subutai Control Center?

Subutai Control Center is an application that is meant to ease Bazaar users' lifes.

It is a tray application, so after successful authentication it will be accessible through tray menu by this icon.

Key features:

  • Creating and managing peers.
    • Possibility to manage properties of peers, such as: RAM size, disk size, CPU cores quantity.
    • Possibility to get access to peer via SSH.
    • Possibility to stop, start, reload and register/unregister from Bazaar.
  • Managing environments.
    • Possibility to deploy SSH keys.
    • Possibility to connect to environments via SSH.
    • Possibility to connect to desktop of environment via X2Go.
  • Installation of 3rd party applications such as: Google Chrome, X2Go Client, Vagrant, Oracle VirtualBox.

Login dialog window

You can login with your Bazaar username or email. If you had not registered yet, you can do it by clicking on 'Register for Bazaar account'.

Control Center menu

  • P2P button: you can stop Subutai P2P Daemon if it is running, start if it is not. Also you can install it if you have not done so yet.
  • Go to Bazaar - opens Bazaar webpage.
  • Your profile and Balance buttons open your Bazaar journal of transactions webpage.
  • Environments submenu shows your environments.
  • My Peers submenu is for listing peers on your machine.
  • LAN Peers submenu is for listing peers on your local network.
  • Create Peer button opens peer creation window where you can setup and build new peers.
  • Settings button opens Control Center preferences window where you can manage such parameters as, default paths for logs, default browser, language, etc.
  • SSH-keys management button opens SSH key manager window where you can create new SSH keys or deploy them to your environments.
  • Notifications history button opens history of all notifications that you have received from Control Center.
  • Components button opens list of all needed components and their versions. You also can install/update components here.
  • Help button opens this wiki.
  • Logout button logs out of your Bazaar account and opens Log in window.
  • Quit button quits Control Center application. This will not quit Subutai P2P daemon or running peers.


This submenu shows your environments list. You can click on any environment - this will open its window where you can connect to separate containers via SSH, establish a desktop connection via X2Go or transfer files using built-in Control Center utility.

To establish desktop or SSH connection, you must deploy an SSH key via SSH key manager first.

File transfer

Here you can transfer (upload/download) files with your remote containers. You can select several files and transfer them by clicking corresponding buttons or just drag&drop.


My Peers submenu shows your peers list. You can click on any peer to open its menu. There you can manage settings of this peer, see the list of environments built on your peer, connect to this peer via SSH, etc.

  • Here you can see peer's status, open peer's page in Bazaar or open Subutai Console. Open Subutai Console is available only for peers that are on your machine.
  • Environments section shows list of environments built on your peer.
  • In SSH info section you can configure host port, SSH port, username and password. Also you can connect to this peer via SSH here. This section is available only for peers that are on your machine.
  • Peer info section will provide you with technical information about peer. You can modify these parameters by enabling 'Modify peer info'. Note that you can only increase disk size.
  • You can also stop/start, register/unregister, destroy or reload peer by clicking on corresponding buttons. These optinons also available only for peers on your machine.


Settings menu is for managing system settings of Control Center. Here you can manage language, UI themes, default paths, default browser etc. Some of the functions are present only for specific operating systems or programs.

  • Common
    • Language - you can choose display language of Control Center. Currently we support English, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese.
    • Refresh time - timeout of refreshing P2P connection status in seconds. Set to 20 seconds by default.
    • Notification Delay - how much time notifications will last on your screen. Set to 7 seconds by default.
    • Notification level - what level of notifications will be shown. 0 - Info, 1 - Warning, 2 - Error, 3 - Critical Error. Notifications with lower importance will not be shown. Default is Info.
    • Log level - what level of logs will be written. 0 - Debug, 1 - Warning, 2 - Error, 3 - Critical, 4 - Fatal. Logs will lower importance will not be written to log files. Also you can completely disable logs. Default is Debug. We strongly recommend to keep log level on Debug, logs are very useful for bug-fixing.
    • Area of notifications - where you prefer to see Control Center notifications. Available only on Linux.
    • Skin Theme - Here you can change Control Center UI theme.
    • CC Browser - Here you can set default browser to open links from Control Center.
    • Browser profile - Here you can set default browser profile to open links from Control Center. Available only on Google Chrome.
    • You can turn on/off animations of dialog windows or notifications of Control Center.
    • You can turn on/off autostart of Control Center on login.
    • logs storage - You can set where Control Center logs will be stored. Note that previous logs will not be automatically moved to new storage.
    • SSH-keys storage - You can set where SSH keys generated by Control Center will be stored. Note that previously generated SSH keeys will not be automatically moved to new storage.
    • SSH User - default user on remote machine (peers or containers) to whom you will connect via SSH.

  • Commands
    • There are settings for default paths of components of Control Center. You can change them if you have installed components in another directories.
    • You can also manage which Terminal and with which arguments will be used by Control Center.

  • RH
    • Default RH - Default Resource Host.
    • Available RHs - Here you can see available Resource Hosts or search for them on you local network.
    • RH port - Default port of Resource Host address.
    • RH user/password - Default Resource Host user preferences.

  • Updating
    • Here you can manage update checking timeout and set autoupdates for Control Center components.

SSH Key Manager

Here you can see the list of your SSH keys, create new SSH keys or deploy them to Environments.

  • Existing keys - this field will show you keys found in SSH keys directory.
  • Generate New Key Pair - here you can create new pair (private key and .pub file) of SSH keys.
  • Healthy Environments - here you can see the list of healthy environments and deploy selected SSH key into selected Environments.

Notifications History

Here you can see the list of all received Control Center notifications. Most recent notifications will be on top. Also you can switch Full info mode. Not full mode will show only types of Notifications and their count. in this mode you can set some notifications ignored by default - they will not appear.


Here you can see list of Control Center components and their versions, install/update them. All data information updates automatically on open, but you can manually update by pressing 'check for updates'.