An improvement upon a sad little setup whose only redeeming feature was glowy window borders, which were uncommon in tiling WMs at the time I created it.
Uses Nord colorscheme.
(WIP screenshot)
- i3
- polybar
- alacritty
- picom
- dunst
- vim
- zsh (with grml config)
- i3lock script
There are some remaining config files for a few other things as well, such as termite which I used before alacritty.
- Terminus - Bar font. Alternatives: termsyn, termsynu, scientifica
- Siji - Symbol font used in polybar (use bdf version!)
- Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font Mono - Terminal font with full unicode support
- all-in-one install command for Arch and derivates:
yay -S arandr i3-wm polybar polybar-spotify-module alacritty picom dunst i3lock imagemagick vim terminus-font zsh grml-zsh-config playerctl feh
- download fonts (linked above) to
, then runfc-cache -f -v
- copy/symlink configs, edit as required
- run arandr, save a screen layout script and put it into autostart. Take note of the display names such as "HDMI-0" and change the relevant settings in i3 and polybar configs (they're annotated)
vim setup – install vim-plug, then run vim to install plugins and exit:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
vim +PlugInstall +qall
- rework / modernize setup. Never really got around to completing this
- rice zathura
Use at your own risk. This is a personal setup for my personal computer. I'm not responsible if you broke something because you just used everything as-is, without modifying files to fit your system.
You may use any of the config files I created as you see fit.
Included wallpaper images may or may not be copyrighted, they're only for private usage.
- Airblader - i3 developer, and I stole some parts of his configs
- adi1090x - master of rice whom I stole some configs from
- emkay443 - a friend whom I keep pestering for help when I break things
- lokesh-krishna - for the Nord theme for rofi