Icon Extractor lets you convert ICON blockchain data into a single kafka topic.
make up
version: "3.7"
x-extractor-env: &extractor-env
IconNodeServiceURL: "https://ctz.solidwallet.io/api/v3"
IconNodeServiceMaxBatchSize: "10" # Max number of datapoints the icon node can handle in one request
# Extractors
START_HEAD_EXTRACTOR: "true" # Head extractor (Live blocks)
HEAD_EXTRACTOR_START_BLOCK: "40000000" # Starting point for head extractor, will continue to wait for future blocks
START_CLAIM_EXTRACTORS: "true" # Claim extractor (Historical blocks)
NUM_CLAIM_EXTRACTORS: "4" # Number of claim extractors to start (go routines)
# Kakfa
KAFKA_BROKER_URL: "kafka:9092"
# DB
DB_DRIVER: "postgres"
DB_HOST: "postgres"
DB_PORT: "5432"
DB_USER: "postgres"
DB_PASSWORD: "changeme"
DB_DBNAME: "postgres"
DB_SSL_MODE: "disable"
image: sudoblock/icon-extractor:latest
- "8000:8000"
<<: *extractor-env
To use the head extractor, 2 enviroment variables need to be set.
The head extractor will start at the HEAD_EXTRACTOR_START_BLOCK
and will continue forever. The head extractor will wait if a block has not been created yet.
To use the claim extractors, 2 enviroment variables need to be set.
The claim extractors will be run on go routines. There will be NUM_CLAIM_EXTRACTORS
go routines. The claim extractor will ping the postgres database for claims, located in the claims table. To create claims, visit http://localhost:8000/api/v1/docs
for Swagger Docs.
Example curl command:
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/create-job' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: */*' \
-d '{
"end_block_number": 3000,
"start_block_number": 1
If multiple instances of icon-extractor are run, attaching the same database will enable them to work together. Simply sending the curl command to one of the icon-extractor instances will start all extractors in all instances and they will split the work up evenly.