🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
32 | @dvcrn/applescripts | My ever growing collection of applescript scripts | |
23 | @dvcrn/omnifocus-scripts | My OmniFocus script collection | |
15 | @harasou/may-i-paste | May I Paste ? | |
10 | @rcmdnk/AppleScript | AppleScript | |
6 | @atsuya/google-music-control | control google play music via applescript | |
5 | @1024jp/svg-coteditor | pretty CotEditor macro suite for SVG editting | |
3 | @hisasann/MissionControlMoveSpace | In Alfred, is a workflow to achieve the movement of desktop of mission control. | |
3 | @makotot/try-jxa | JXA |