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187 lines (186 loc) · 27.4 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
910 @dvcrn/markright ➡ Electron powered markdown editor with live preview
569 @dvcrn/proton space-atom. spacemacs and sublimious style editing in atom
383 @karad/lein_template_descjop A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell). ↗️
325 @liquidz/misaki Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure ↗️
271 @kawasima/jagrid Japanese-styled grid framework.
153 @runexec/chp ClojureHomePage is a Compojure based web framework that allows you to write the backend and frontend with Clojure. ↗️
127 @yokolet/clementine Gem for ClojureScript on Rails Asset Pipeline
114 @liquidz/clj-jwt Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT)
113 @athos/kitchen-async A Promise library for ClojureScript, or a poor man's core.async
93 @athos/Pinpointer Pinpointer is yet another clojure.spec error reporter based on a precise error analysis
88 @athos/Postmortem A tiny value-oriented debugging tool for Clojure(Script), powered by transducers
86 @runexec/Static-Prime A static website editor and server written in Clojure and ClojureScript.
82 @liquidz/dad Small configuration management tool for Clojure
79 @kawasima/back-channeling A thread floating typed chat system.
69 @hellonico/origami OpenCV 4 Clojure Wrapper
65 @liquidz/jubot Chatbot framework in Clojure
60 @athos/JiSE JiSE: Java in S-Expression
50 @liquidz/antq Point out your outdated dependencies.
49 @runexec/equate A Clojure fact management library
49 @yokolet/hiccup-samples hiccup samples for clojure cookbook
46 @federkasten/butler Bring Web Workers to ClojureScript
44 @federkasten/clucie Clojure for the Lucene
36 @athos/pogonos Another Clojure(Script) implementation of Mustache templating language
36 @dvcrn/ajom atom plugins in clojurescript
33 @hellonico/niclojure Candid whitebook on Clojure ecosystem
31 @athos/Drains A new abstraction for flexible and efficient sequence aggregation in Clojure(Script)
31 @kawasima/darzana a DSL for backends-for-frontends (BFF)
30 @liquidz/cuma Extensible micro template engine for Clojure
27 @fukamachi/L5 Yet Another Presentation Tool for Lispers ↗️
26 @kawasima/supreme-uploading 至高のアップロード機能づくり
25 @kawasima/axebomber-clj The generator for Excel grid sheet (so-called Excel方眼紙).
25 @kawasima/teslogger A tool for taking screenshots. It's usable for logging tests.
21 @making/clj-gae-ds a Datastore library on Google App Engine for Clojure ↗️
21 @runexec/porta Clojure utility that generates a Clojure abstraction for an existing Java Class.
20 @athos/jise JiSE: Java in S-Expression
20 @k2nr/docker-clj Docker Remote API client library for Clojure
19 @ayamada/clan CLAN : Clojure, LibGDX, Android, Neko application construct kit
19 @kawasima/fressian-cljs Fressian library for clojurescript
18 @athos/genman Generator management utility for clojure.spec
18 @liquidz/testdoc Yet another doctest implementation in Clojure
17 @ayato-p/kuuga An extensible transformer for Hiccup(-like) data structure
16 @jneen/variants-slides Slides for "Variants are Not Unions", a talk given at Clojure Conj 2014
15 @ayato-p/mokuhan Mokuhan is yet another implementation of Mustache in Clojure/ClojureScript.
14 @bobuhiro11/aparapi-matrix aparapi-matrix is a core.matrix implementation, and uses aparapi which is API for GPU calculation.
14 @boxp/spellcard A Leiningen template for k8s deployment automation.
14 @clj-nakano/situated-program-challenge Rich HickeyのClojure/Conj2017キーノートの考察として、外界の変化を言語ごとにどれだけ上手く扱えるか比較する
14 @halcat0x15a/cont Delimited continuations library
14 @making/clj-aws-ecs Clojure Client Library for Amazon Product Advertising API
14 @youz/4clojure-golf golfing solutions ↗️
13 @athos/clj-check lein-check alternative for Clojure CLI tool
13 @athos/spectrace clojure.spec (spec.alpha) library aiming to be a fundamental tool for analyzing spec errors
13 @making/clj-gae-blank a blank project for Clojure on Google App Engine
12 @minikomi/patatap-quil Quil version of patatap web app
12 @pasberth/granjure Levelheaded, book-smart and is very good with logic.
12 @runexec/ffmpeg-clj FFmpeg wrapper for Clojure
11 @Quantisan/mango a concurrent systematic trading strategies backtesting platform
11 @athos/prejenter Presentation framework for Clojurians
11 @athos/symbol-analyzer Clojure code analyzer that tells us how each symbol is being used in the code
11 @athos/syntactic-closure syntactic closures built on top of Clojure's macro system
11 @ayamada/op0010 おしいれクエスト ↗️
11 @boxp/sorcerer A Slackbot for Deploying microservices to GKE Cluster.
11 @tnoda/rashinban A Clojure library designed to work with R
10 @athos/lein-with-env-vars A Leiningen plugin for performing a task with environment variable settings loaded from project.clj
10 @kawasima/tower-cljs Clojurescript i18n & L10n library, compatible with
10 @liquidz/babashka-test-action Github Action to run clojure.test by Babashka
10 @liquidz/daddy Small configuration management tool for Clojure
10 @rmoehn/theatralia A research notebook for the humanities (discontinued)
9 @athos/Bigmouth Clojure framework to build delivery-only Mastodon-compatible web apps
9 @athos/admin-kit Admin site as data
9 @athos/genuine-highlighter a macro-aware syntax highlighter for Clojure
9 @athos/postmortem A tiny value-oriented debugging tool for Clojure(Script), powered by transducers
9 @bschwind/earthquakes A simple earthquake listing app to show off ClojureScript + React Native
9 @dvcrn/vscodecljs Proof of concept vscode extension in ClojureScript
9 @hayamiz/prejure Just for fun.
9 @liquidz/clj-gravatar gravatar api wrapper for clojure ↗️
9 @liquidz/merr 🔥 Minimal and good enough error handling library for Clojure/ClojureScript
9 @liquidz/tarayo 💌 SMTP client library for Clojure. That’s it.
9 @pasberth/infixing infixing Lisp
8 @boxp/Grimoire-cli A clojure platform for twitter.
8 @guillaume-nargeot/project-euler-clojure My Clojure solutions to Project Euler
8 @hellonico/cortex-tutorial
8 @hellonico/origami-dnn Neural Networks made simple with Clojure
8 @iku000888/shadow-cljs-kitchen-async-puppeteer
8 @lagenorhynque/duct.module.pedestal Duct module for Pedestal
8 @lagenorhynque/react-tutorial React tutorial app implemented in ClojureScript
8 @runexec/H2H HTML to Hiccup with one function
8 @syou6162/fobos_clj
7 @athos/parabola Hubot-like chatbot framework powered by Clojure/core.async
7 @athos/tetrlang an esoteric language inspired by Tetris
7 @halcat0x15a/cljmacs Emacs like editor.
7 @hellonico/origami-fun
7 @hellonico/zebra Google's ortools with Clojure
7 @lagenorhynque/spec-examples clojure.spec examples
7 @syou6162/lda_clj Latent Dirichlet Allocation library written in clojure
6 @KeenS/s7p sexp version of s6p; a toy SSP.
6 @athos/aintegrant Aintegrant ain't Integrant, it's Async Integrant!
6 @athos/emsh An embedded shell built on top of Clojure
6 @ayato-p/intro-web-clojure Introduction to web application development in Clojure
6 @borh/clj-mecab Clojure wrapper for the Japanese Morphological Analyzer MeCab
6 @boxp/puppeteer A Slackbot for Deploying microservices to GKE Cluster.
6 @federkasten/ring-websocket-example An example project for websocket server using ring-jetty/lein-ring-jetty
6 @haruyama/unixuser-clojure-commons a Clojure library.
6 @kawasima/clj-jpa The JPA library in the Clojure way
6 @liquidz/clj-text-decoration Text decoration library
6 @liquidz/clj-xmas 🎄 🎄 🎄
6 @liquidz/iced-nrepl nREPL middleware to support vim-iced.
6 @marony/worker 社畜.net(
6 @mattn/clj-ezoe 質問ではない。
6 @nyampass/BeginningClojure 工学社「はじめてのClojure」のサンプルソースです
6 @runexec/Moov (TMDB)The Movie Database API Wrapper
5 @athos/intro-to-prejenter
5 @ayamada/vnctst-audio3 audio playback library for html5 game
5 @ayato-p/bulkhead
5 @boxp/vr-match
5 @dvcrn/ankimo 🐠 Browser extension for sending Japanese words to Anki
5 @gpsoft/othe An Othello-like board game in Clojure.
5 @halcat0x15a/emerald protocol based monad library
5 @halcat0x15a/one online text editor ↗️
5 @halcat0x15a/unapply Pattern matching library
5 @iku000888/kakuteishinko-clojure
5 @jedahan/twelve-plus-eight recreating
5 @kaosf/clocure
5 @minikomi/simple-static Example Clojure static site setup for netlify. Using boot, hiccup, clojurescript and garden for css
5 @nyampass/appollo The HTTP API server for push notification
5 @nyampass/conceit A full stack web framework for Clojure.
5 @syou6162/hmm-clj
5 @ympbyc/reductor A toy language that shows how simple and elegant the concepts behind concatenative languages are.
4 @KeenS/b11d A toy DSP ↗️
4 @athos/iasm inline assembly macros for Clojure
4 @athos/igv-client Clojure implementation of IGV client to control IGV via its Port Commands
4 @athos/maeni A toy implementation of the programming language Forth written in Clojure
4 @ayato-p/impl-http-server HTTP Serverを実装する
4 @boxp/sample-github-spa A high performance spa sample written in clojure.
4 @gpsoft/kunya A minimal app with Electron, ClojureScript, Boot, Reagent and re-frame.
4 @hellonico/opencv-fun
4 @k2nr/dokkaa-builder
4 @liquidz/clj-vimhelp Vim help file parser/convertor written by Clojure
4 @liquidz/frontmatter Parse front matter from a file
4 @liquidz/kaocha-nrepl nREPL middleware for kaocha
4 @liquidz/misaki-markdown Markdown Compiler for Misaki ↗️
4 @mopemope/clj-crawler 2ch crawler written in Clojure.
4 @nyampass/halake-api HaLake API server
4 @runexec/reaction reactive programming library for Clojure
4 @runexec/ufc-clojure UFC Dataset + Clojure
4 @supermomonga/omochi Omochi(お餅) is a super handy Slack bot.
4 @syobochim/jyoshiryoku-bot
4 @tatsuhiro-t/argparse4clj The command line argument parser library for Clojure ↗️
4 @ympbyc/iclojure-notebook Totally unofficial Clojure/conj hackathon
3 @Quantisan/clj-exercises collection of exercises done in clojure
3 @asukiaaa/re-natal-esp32control-app A re-natal (clojure script on react-js) project to control esp32 over BLE connection.
3 @athos/AR-sample AR sample project using AR.js from ClojureScript
3 @athos/nrepl-revolver Docker-backed nREPL server aiming for secure execution and fast startup
3 @ayamada/op0015 オッサンの冒険
3 @ayamada/vnctst-audio4 Audio playback library for html5 game
3 @ayato-p/cljs-othello ClojureScript で書いたオセロ
3 @bouzuya/clj-backlog Backlog API for Clojure (unofficial).
3 @gpsoft/moo A game like Bulls and Cows, Hit and Blow, or Code Breaker, written in Clojure.
3 @halcat0x15a/pokemiku pocket miku
3 @halcat0x15a/typelogic type inference by logic programming
3 @haruyama/matrix-factorization-with-clojure
3 @hayamiz/clj-match A port of Andrew Wright's pattern matching macro library for Clojure ↗️
3 @hellonico/clj-todoist Clojure Todoist API
3 @kawasima/gring Git server for ring.
3 @lagenorhynque/aqoursql AqoursQL, an example GraphQL API based on Lacinia-Pedestal & Duct
3 @lagenorhynque/microservices-with-clojure Study notes on Microservices with Clojure
3 @liquidz/clj-password-check password checker library for clojure ↗️
3 @liquidz/debug-reader Gauche like debug print reader ↗️
3 @liquidz/
3 @liquidz/misaki-clostache misaki compiler using Clostache ↗️
3 @making/clj-gae-users a UserService library on Google App Engine for Clojure ↗️
3 @making/maven-clojure-blank blank project for Clojure with Maven2
3 @maoe/funky Miscellaneous macros for keyword (and optional) parameter handling in Clojure ↗️
3 @maoe/snmp4clj SNMP API for Clojure based on SNMP4J ↗️
3 @mopemope/watchdog Simple Filesystem Event Monitoring
3 @nyampass/clowpay WebPay API wrapper library for Clojure
3 @runexec/concrete Clojure symbol to source utility
3 @runexec/paramount Paramount is a superiority sorter for the Clojure language.
3 @runexec/receipt-clj Documentation generator for Clojure / Lein plugin and standalone application
3 @syou6162/tiny_word_segmenter
3 @tnoborio/gomitoban Clojure twitter bot using Google App Engine
3 @tnoda/simple-crypto A Clojure library designed to perform weak string encryption, based on 128-bit AES.
3 @yhoshino11/tutorial
3 @ypsilon-takai/clj_advent_2013_math article about math.numerc-tower
3 @ypsilon-takai/clojure-seesaw-test001 Seesaw UI test