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72 lines (71 loc) · 10.7 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
515 @keijiro/ShaderSketches KodeLife shader sketches I wrote while commuting
94 @hecomi/UnityVolumeRendering A simple example of Volume Rendering for Unity. ↗️
92 @hecomi/UnityPseudoInstancedGPUParticles GPU Particles w/ Screen Space Collision Example. ↗️
70 @nobnak/WaterColorFilter
58 @satoruhiga/TouchDesigner-ShaderBuilder On the fly shader editing tool for TouchDesigner
56 @keijiro/GyroCam Quasi-AR with gyroscopic input
52 @tado/ofxGLSLSandbox openFrameworks addons to view / edit GLSL sandbox's shaders (
46 @hiroki-o/VoxBlend BlendShape Controller Plugin for Unity
42 @nama-gatsuo/DailySketch Daily coding sketch
38 @keijiro/TriplanarPBS A physically based shader with triplanar mapping (Unity 5)
37 @obushi/SPHFluid An experimental implementation of smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) on Unity.
37 @tado/100fragments
36 @mattatz/unity-lbm-fluid-simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) fluid simulation for Unity.
36 @mattatz/unity-mask-bloom Mask by alpha channel bloom effect for Unity.
34 @hecomi/UnityRaymarchingCollision Raymarching x Rigidbody interaction example. ↗️
33 @FMS-Cat/type 9,105 bytes WebGL Demo for TokyoDemoFest 2016
32 @hecomi/UnityScreenSpaceReflection Simple Screen Space Reflection Implementation. ↗️
31 @fand/webgl-study ↗️
31 @hecomi/UnityRaymarchingSample Unity3D Raymarching Simple Implementation. ↗️
30 @yasuhirohoshino/oF-thetaEquirectangular tested on oF 0.9.7
29 @FMS-Cat/20180310-glsl-music メガデモ勉強会 2018年3月10日
25 @mattatz/unity-lbm-ink-simulation Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) ink simulation for Unity.
18 @yasuhirohoshino/ofxPBRHelper
16 @yuichiroharai/glsl-y-rotate A GLSL Module which generates a rotation matrix.
15 @keijiro/OnePassSubsampling Unity example: Single pass chroma subsampling shader
13 @edom18/PBR-Sample 簡単なPBRのサンプルUnityプロジェクトです。
13 @fand/VEDA-InfiniteRave
13 @keijiro/AstrellaPBR Custom PBR surface shader for Astrella from Robot Lab ↗️
11 @gam0022/resimulated 1st place at Revision 2020 (PC 64K Intro)
11 @nryas/SPHFluid An experimental implementation of smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) on Unity.
10 @fand/veda-toplapjp02 ↗️
8 @depressed-pho/natural-mystic-shaders Shader pack for Minecraft Bedrock aliming to be as realistic as possible
8 @keijiro/CullingSwitch Unity example -- Disable occlusion culling on specific game objects.
8 @mike-neko/SpriteShaderSample Unityのスプライト用シェーダ
8 @setchi/Life TokyoDemoFest 2018 GLSL Graphics Compo 2nd place.
7 @baku89/ATA Tools for "Olga Bell - ATA" ↗️
6 @Ushio/MoodyRender
6 @fand/algorave2017 VJ set for Algorave Tokyo 2017
6 @fand/veda-physarum Physarum simulation based on Sage Jenson's article
6 @yasuhirohoshino/ofxTF transform feedback addon for openFrameworks
6 @ykob/glsl-force
5 @FMS-Cat/wavenerd-dubplates Examples of wavenerd
5 @ft-lab/UnityProjects Unity関連の公開プロジェクト管理用
5 @kodai100/Unity_GPUVoronoi
5 @nakamura001/Unity-CameraMask カメラの前にマスク用のテクスチャを置いて、背景の前に別のカメラの画像を円形で表示するサンプル。
5 @yasuhirohoshino/oF-TransformFeedback
5 @yasuhirohoshino/oF-bvhStudy
4 @EsProgram/UnityDeferredShading UnityのDeferredShadingを色々と確認する
4 @Makio64/starter My starter for experiments & profesionnal projects
4 @fand/glsl-livecoder-examples Examples for glsl-livecoder
4 @fand/veda-glsl-effects My GLSL Sandbox
4 @fand/vj-little-forest VJ set for little forest at Kyoto, 2017-11-10
4 @fand/vj-nodefest2017 VJ set for Nodefest at Tokyo, 2017-11-25
4 @kodai100/Unity_PositionBasedDynamics
4 @nobnak/SimpleFluidTest
4 @nobnak/TestSimpleFluid
4 @ykob/glsl-matrix it is foundational matrix function made with glsl.
4 @ykob/glsl-util utility functions of glsl.
3 @EsProgram/MRTCustomImageEffect MRTによる出力を用いたImageEffectを行う環境の構築(one camera)
3 @JPNYKW/Stu-LT-Slide LT用の自作スライドエンジン ↗️
3 @KageKirin/Unity-UnifiedSurfaceShaders Unified Surface Shaders for Unity
3 @fand/spektra4
3 @fand/veda-dommune201903 VJ set for DOMMUNE on 2019-03-21
3 @keijiro/ColorSpaceTest
3 @keijiro/HDREncodingTest A comparison of color encoding methods (RGBM vs RGBD)
3 @keijiro/ShaderVariantCollectionTest Unity: An example that shows how to create a shader variant collection from an editor script.
3 @nama-gatsuo/GeekPartyVJ VJ set for geek parties.
3 @tado/Tidal100fragments
3 @yuichiroharai/glsl-y-repeat calculate repeated values for glslify.