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User Story: Saving Content

ItalianJedi edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 7 revisions

Story: As a logged-in user who is interested in exploring poetry, I want to save poems that I like, so that I can reference them when I need them.

Estimated Size: xl (DS), md (DB), xl (CC), lg (TG)

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Each poem page contains a save button that allows users to save the poem they are currently viewing
  • The save feature is available to users who are logged into their account
  • Users not logged into their account upon clicking the save button, will be prompted to log in or to create a new account
  • Users not logged into their account, are not able to view a list of their saved poems
  • A user's saved poems are associated with their account
  • A user's saved poems can be accessed through their Saved Poems page
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