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|_| |___/
Open Directory Admin let's you perform critical admin-only tasks on your directory, like updating to a new version and detatching directories you don't want listed publicly.
The admin channel is just a custom Bitcom protocol, that creates a channel where you can sign and send messages to only your channel.
Usage: ./opendirectory-admin <action> [options]
show show information about this opendirectory admin
uri get current application uri
uris show all uris
update_uri redirect application to new uri
detach detach a specific category from view
attach attach a previously detatched category back into view
log show recent actions
# install
mkdir opendirectory-admin
cd opendirectory-admin
npm install bitcom
npm install synfonaut/open-directory-admin-console
# initialize admin address
bit init
bit useradd
# create new version
./node_modules/.bin/opendirectory-admin update_uri bit://new-uri-goes-here
# show log
./node_modules/.bin/opendirectory-admin log
# help
./node_modules/.bin/opendirectory-admin help
- Add message for attach/detach
- Add message for version... changelog?