R package for TCR repertoire data visualization
You can also install the development version of RepertoiR from version from GitHub with:
Creating network graph of TCR repertoire’s clonotypes:
aa <- c(
"G", "A", "V", "L", "I", "P", "F", "Y", "W", "S",
"T", "N", "Q", "C", "M", "D", "E", "H", "K", "R"
data <- matrix(rexp(1 / 2, n = 1000), ncol = 4)
cons <- sample(aa, 10)
aavec <- c()
while (length(aavec) < nrow(data)) {
aaseq <- cons
index <- sample(length(aaseq), sample(length(aaseq) / 3, 1))
aaseq[index] <- sample(aa, length(index), replace = TRUE)
aaseq <- paste0(aaseq, collapse = "")
aavec <- unique(append(aavec, aaseq))
rownames(data) <- aavec
colnames(data) <- LETTERS[1:ncol(data)]
In that case, don’t forget to commit and push the resulting figure files, so they display on GitHub and CRAN.