Unofficial tastyworks/tastytrade API for Rust. Requires API access to be enabled for your account.
use tastyworks::Session;
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;
// Requests made by the API are asynchronous, so you must use a runtime such as `tokio`.
async fn main() {
let login = "username"; // or email
let password = "password";
let otp = Some("123456"); // 2FA code, may be None::<String>
let session = Session::from_credentials(login, password, otp)
.await.expect("Failed to login");
let accounts = tastyworks::accounts(&session)
.await.expect("Failed to fetch accounts");
let account = accounts.first().expect("No accounts found");
let positions = tastyworks::positions(account, &session)
.await.expect("Failed to fetch positions");
println!("Your active positions:");
for position in &positions {
let signed_quantity = position.signed_quantity();
// Quantities in the API that could potentially be decimal values are stored as
// `num_rational::Rational64`. To convert these to floats include the `num-traits` crate
// in your project and use the `ToPrimitive` trait. To convert these to integers no
// additional crate is required.
"{:>10} x {}",
if signed_quantity.is_integer() {
} else {