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t9md edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 4 revisions


If you think your custom operation is useful for many developer.
Let's release your enhancement as vmp plugin package.
It's not so difficult, vim-mode-plus-move-to-symbols is the 1st package released as example of plugin.

Note for plugin author

What function of vmp-core you can safely depend on in your plugin?

Not sure, I won't promise it wont' change. You can access utility function through this.vimState.utils or this.vimState.swrap for selection-wrapper.
Basically these utility functions are provided for use of vmp-core.
I may change function name without notification if necessary.

General purpose class

Here is the list of classes where lots of operation is derived from it.

  • TextObject.Pair
  • Operator.TransformString
  • Operator.ActivateInsertMode

When you want to write plugin just adding minimum code, refer how above classes are used in vmp-core.