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b1f6c1c4 edited this page May 22, 2020 · 15 revisions

Intentionally use word plugin to distinguish it from normal general Atom package.

Use link to package on User can jump to github repo from there.


Operations package

Add one of Operator/TextObject/Motion for vmp, essentially provide commands which command is derived from child class of Base class.

Other package

Package not fall into operations package like adding ex-mode support.

Operations package

Provide motion to move around symbols provided by bundled symbols-view package.
Symbols are where you can move with cmd-r command.

Provide operator to increase/decrease focus level text of jasmine spec.

Execute selected text as command, then replace with output of execution.

Move selected text like object.
Feature migration from vim-textmanip plugin for pure Vim.

This package is not vmp specific, it can create multiple persisted highlight.
This package includes vim-mode-plus-user:quick-highlight commands.
This is operator to highlight keyword specified as operator target.

vim-mode-plus-exchange by dillonkearns

Exchange two areas of text like Tom McDonald's vim-exchange.

vim-mode-plus-duplicate by dillonkearns

Duplicate text selected by a motion or text-object.

Other package

no-evil-eol-newline by b1f6c1c4

This plugin hides the last 'new line' like in pure vim.

ex-mode by lloeki and jazzpi

Recommend this package over my experimental vim-mode-plus-ex-mode.

narrow by t9md

It's general purpose package similar to unite.vim or helm-emacs.
It have special integration with vmp.
From vmp's search input-ui, directly start narrow:line or narrow:search.

Provides default keymap for surround features.
keymap only: Core surround features are provided by vmp itself.

demo-mode by t9md

It's have special integration with vim-mode-plus.

  • Show command kind(operator, text-object, motion)
  • Keep flash-highlight while demo-mode is active.