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Hi! This is my personal website tLLWtG Blog.

The Jekyll theme is derived from Hux Blog.


  1. You will need Ruby and Bundler to use Jekyll. Following Using Jekyll with Bundler to fullfill the enviromental requirement.

  2. Installed dependencies in the Gemfile:

$ bundle install 
  1. Serve the website (localhost:4000 by default):
$ bundle exec jekyll serve  # alternatively, npm start


You can also get this repo from gitee.

$ git clone

Offline version

  1. You can simply build a static website with the content of gh-pages branch.

Besides, it's also a good choice to just download "" in Releases(usually out of date though).

$ git clone -b gh-pages
  1. After cloning the repo or decompression, start a http server with the following commands.
$ cd  # or, cd tLLWtG_Blog
$ python -m http.server
  1. If you started your http server successfully, you will see something like this in you terminal:
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

Now you can visit tLLWtG_Blog through the url shown in your terminal.

Sometimes you have to replace with localhost:.
And if your port 8000 is occupied, please set andother port like this python -m http.server 1234.


User Manual of Blog

GitHub Action

Since tLLWtG Blog uses action-build-deploy-ghpages to build and deploy on GitHub Pages, you have to fork that repo, and modify .github/workflows/main.yml, where you are supposed to substitute - uses: tLLWtG/action-build-deploy-ghpages@main with - uses: <yourusername>/action-build-deploy-ghpages@main.
Otherwise, you should delete the folder .github, and deploy according to the normal steps suggested by GitHub Pages.


  • 2023.01..29
  1. 开通基于 Vercel 的镜像站
  2. 修改侧边栏样式
  3. 增加新的友链页面
  • 2023.01.28
  1. 打开 RSS 订阅
  2. 开通 giscus 的评论系统
  • 2023.01.27
  1. URL 由 更改为
  2. 更新 Google 和百度的网站工具设置
  • 2023.01.16
  1. 引入 Google Analytics 的脚本用于分析访问数据
  2. 引入 Google Search Console 进行 SEO
  3. 添加 Google Adsense
  • 2023.01.14
  1. 取消 GitHub Pages 的默认 Jekyll-Build-Pages action
  2. 使用 action-build-deploy-ghpages 自动构建 gh-pages 分支,并在 gh-pages 分支上直接部署静态网站(方便后续添加不在 GitHub 白名单上的插件,同时能自动更新 gh-pages)
  • 2023.01.08
  1. 一言模块添加刷新按钮
  2. 加入动画效果
  • 2022.12.26
  1. 加入 busuanzi 的访客统计功能
  • 2022.12.24
  1. 修复主页 intro-header 随机背景图显示不完全的 Bug (主页自适应背景图)
  • 2022.12.23
  1. 增加了 robots.txt 文件以禁止不必要的内容爬取。
  2. 安装了 jekyll-sitemap 插件用于自动生成 sitemap.xml,方便搜索引擎抓取内容。
  3. 增加主页 intro-header 随机选择背景图的脚本
  • 2022.12.22
  1. Sidebar 中添加了一言模块。
  2. 引入了百度统计的脚本用于分析访问数据。
  3. 使用百度搜索资源平台方便进行 SEO。


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.