Tools used
Client Apps Using this API
A Restful API that allows users to make requests to a Syfy database and receive responses from the server-side. The endpoints are described in https://nameless-atoll-42754.herokuapp.com/documentation.html
This project is the server-side component for an application called "Syfy" that stores data about movies. It consists of a well-designed REST API and architected database built using Javascript,Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.
The REST API is hosted on Heroku and accessed via commonly used HTTP methods like GET and POST. Similar methods (CRUD) will be used to retrieve data from the database and store that data in a non-relational way.
It is used by the SYFY client-side to give users access to information about different Syfy movies and the directors and genres. Users will be able to sign up and create a list of their favorite movies.
- Return a list of ALL movies to the user
- Return data (description, genre, director, image URL, whether it’s featured or not) about a * * * single movie by title to the user
- Return data about a genre (description) by name/title (e.g., “Thriller”)
- Return data about a director (bio, birth year, death year) by name
- Allow new users to register
- Allow users to update their user info (username, password, email, date of birth)
- Allow users to add a movie to their list of favorites
- Allow users to remove a movie from their list of favorites
- Allow existing users to deregister
- A Node.js and Express application
- TUses REST architecture, with URL endpoints corresponding to the data operations listed under Essential Features.
- The API uses middleware modules, such as the body-parser package for reading data from requests and morgan for logging.
- Database built using MongoDB
- Business logic was modeled with Mongoose
- API provides movie information in JSON format
- API endpoints were tested using Postman
- Includes user authenticaion and authorization code
- Includes data validation logic
- Endpoints tested using Postman
- API deployed to Heroku
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- VS Code
- bcrypt@5.0.1
- body-parser@1.19.0
- cors@2.8.5
- express@4.17.1
- express-validator@6.12.0
- jsonwebtoken@8.5.1
- mongoose@5.12.14
- morgan@1.10.0
- passport@0.4.1
- passport-jwt@4.0.0
- passport-local@1.0.0
- uuid@8.3.2