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Andrea Gottardo edited this page Oct 24, 2023 · 12 revisions

All Platforms

  • tailscale update
    • add update available message to tailscale up and tailscale status output
    • support updating Linux, Mac, Windows, and Synology
    • add tailscale set --auto-update and matching toggles in Windows/Mac GUI clients to opt-in to automatic updates
  • Taildrop
    • add support to resume after a partial transfer
    • add file deduplication
    • detect conflicting active put requests and only proceed with one
  • move tailscale cert renewal to the background, return the current cert if unexpired
  • use Go 1.21.3
  • now supports waking up peer nodes on your LAN via Wake-on-LAN packets
  • speculatively start a TCP DNS query if UDP hasn't returned quickly enough
  • properly retry truncated UDP DNS results using TCP


  • Taildrop tailscale file cp transfer progress meter added
  • improve nftables autodetection support when TS_DEBUG_FIREWALL_MODE=auto is used
  • fix DNS detection of NetworkManager sans systemd-resolved, such as EndeavourOS
  • fix DNS detection for Debian resolvconf 1.90+


  • add auto-update setting to the Preferences menu
  • show notice when an update is available
  • add explicit dependencies during install: iphlpsvc, netprofm, and WinHttpAutoProxySvc


  • more clearly distinguish standalone vs Mac App Store variants in the About window
  • update Sparkle framework to 2.5.1
  • add menu item to inform users when a new version is available
  • add menu item to toggle automatically checking for updates
  • add MDM settings to set a forced/suggested tailnet name, force VPN tunnel on, hide one or more categories of network devices, hide the ability to run as exit node, hide setting menu items
  • add Reauthenticate menu item, showing time until expiry
  • show prominent banner and alerts when node key expiry is imminent
  • fix DNS support when operating as an exit node
  • reduce bundle size by removing unused assets
  • fix Taildrop labels text color when using dark mode


  • add home screen and lock screen widgets
  • add MDM setting to hide VPN on Demand
  • add MDM settings to set a forced/suggested tailnet name, force VPN tunnel on, hide one or more categories of network devices, hide setting menu items
  • add notification banner in settings view to inform users when a new version is available in the App Store
  • add explainer alerts when tapping on disabled menu items
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