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Tailscale 1.8

Denton Gentry edited this page May 6, 2021 · 12 revisions

Bug fixes, improvements

  • Large effort to address DNS configuration issues and Magic DNS on all platforms.
  • Allow client access to an exit node's public IPs.
  • Tailscale up command now warns when options are being changed by omission. For example if one had used tailscale up --advertise-route= and then uses tailscale up --advertise-exit-node it will notice and warn that the advertise-route would be removed.
  • Support SCTP in port-based ACLs, in addition to TCP and UDP.
  • In magicsock if IPv4 and IPv6 have similar latency, prefer IPv6.
  • Add tailscale ping --tsmp w.x.y.z, which sends a ping at a layer which doesn’t involve the host IP stack. Only destinations running 1.8+ will respond.
  • Add tailscale ip [-4] [-6] command, suitable for use in shell scripts to retrieve Tailscale IP addresses of the local node or peers.
  • add tailscale bugreport command to log a timestamp, to use shortly after a problem occurs to make it easier for to find. Note that you do still need to send email or file a bug; the new bugreport just adds a known point in the logs so support can find it easily.
  • Add tailscale logout command.
  • When run with --tun=userspace-networking --socks5-server=..., tailscaled can now be a SOCKS5 proxy for all addresses not just Tailscale addresses.




  • There is a new menu structure to better support the amount of functionality now present. Hold Control while clicking the taskbar icon to get access to a Debug menu of less-commonly used functions.
  • The tailscale.exe CLI command now supports a new flag, tailscale up --unattended to make Tailscale run in what the GUI calls "Unattended Mode" (to run in the background outside the context of a logged in desktop session). Previously on Windows the CLI always enabled Unattended Mode; now it must be specified explicitly.
  • Windows systems can now serve as subnet routers and exit nodes. As this support is new, there's no GUI support yet and the CLI must be used to enable it. From cmd.exe, run tailscale up --advertise-exit-node or tailscale up --advertise-route=



  • Synology systems can now serve as subnet routers and exit nodes.

Coming soon

  • A new Alpha feature allows users to send files to their own devices via Tailscale.
  • Split DNS functionality will be enabled in the near future.
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