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The post object

Onur Akpolat edited this page Nov 3, 2016 · 2 revisions

Posts can be used when a user wants a share a custom story and attach text or a url to it.

Attribute Type Description
id string Unique user identifier for each post
visibility integer The Visibilities of an event
tags [string] A list of keywords to tag a post
attachments [object] Attachments to the post
counts object Numbers of likes and comments
created_at string Date the resources was created
updated_at string Date the resources was updated


For posts we currently provide two types of attachments: text and url:

Attribute Type Description
contents object The localised (BCP 47 tags) contents of the attachment
name string The name of the attachment
type string The type of the attachment (text , url)
  "attachments": [
      "contents": {
        "en-US": "http://image.url/image.png"
      "name": "image",
      "type": "url"
      "contents": {
        "en": "I started running, its really great."
      "name": "storyText",
      "type": "text"

You can create multiple attachments per post.


For posts we currently provide two types of counts: comments and likes:

"counts": {
    "comments": 2,
    "likes": 10
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