This app's aim is allow users to vote for their favorite Nintendo 64 app.
This project is initialized using the repo. 🚀
We have a Nintendo 64. As a team, we need to decide which game to buy next. Create a small single-page application that allows us to vote on our favorite Nintendo 64 game.
- Please make an app to vote.
- You can hardcode game data.
- No need to persist data.
- Show the box arts or game illustrations in a grid, all at once on the page (so no pagination).
- It should allow voting on the 5-10 most popular N64 games.
- The definition of 'popular' is up to you. Can be rating, sales or your personal opinion.
- Clicking/tapping on a game casts a vote. The vote count should be visible somehow.
// For more info on how to write Detox tests, see the official docs:
const { reloadApp } = require("./reload");
describe("Example", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await reloadApp();
it("First game card has the like text and button are available on the screen", async () => {
// tests if the elements are on the screen
await expect(element("game-card-like-text-1"))).toExist();
await expect(element("game-card-like-button-1"))).toExist();
// test game card has the like text available on the screen
const likeTextAttrs = await element("game-card-like-text-1"),
await expect(element(by.text(likeTextAttrs.text))).toExist();
it("pressing the like button of the first game card should increase the like count by one", async () => {
// get like text(like count) before the like button is "tapped"
const beforeLikeTextAttrs = await element("game-card-like-text-1"),
// Tap to the like button to increase like count
await element("game-card-like-button-1")).tap();
// calculate final like text(count)
const increasedLike = Number(beforeLikeTextAttrs.text) + 1;
// get updated like text
const afterLikeText = await element("game-card-like-text-1"),
// test whether the like text(count) has been increased
await expect(element(by.text(afterLikeText.text.toString()))).toHaveText(
- Detox e2e testing
- React Native Storybook
- React Native Animations
- React Compound Components
- React Context
- Json server
- Optimistic updates with react query
Install dependencies
yarn install
Run json-server
yarn start-server
Start the emulator for ios.
cd ios && pod install && yarn run ios
- For
pod install
, if you don't have cocoapods installed here's a reliable way to install cocoapods in Nov 2022 that worked on MacOS Monterey/M2 - This assumes you have a simulator available for "iPhone 13". If you don't, simply include the name of one of the simulators installed e.g.
yarn run ios --simulator="iPhone 14"
or for android
yarn run android