This app displays a list of different types of bee behaviors, retrieved from a Node.js API. It is built using React.js and styled using Tailwind CSS.
To install and run the app, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the app:
npm start
Open the app in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
The app displays a list of bee behaviors on the home page. Click on a behavior to view its details.
You can also add a new behavior by clicking the "Add Behavior" button and filling out the form. API
The app retrieves data from a Node.js API, which is hosted separately. The API provides the following endpoints:
GET /behaviors: Retrieves a list of all bee behaviors.
GET /behaviors/:id: Retrieves a single bee behavior by ID.
POST /behaviors: Adds a new bee behavior.
PUT /behaviors/:id: Updates a bee behavior by ID.
DELETE /behaviors/:id: Deletes a bee behavior by ID.
This app was built by [Your Name]. It uses the following technologies:
Tailwind CSS