Segment has paused maintenance on this project, but may return it to an active status in the future. Issues and pull requests from external contributors are not being considered, although internal contributions may appear from time to time. The project remains available under its open source license for anyone to use.
Glue generates client code for your Go RPC server. It currently supports
go get
Then, glue
should be available at $GOPATH/bin/glue
(ideally, in your $PATH
glue -name=Service -service=Math [path]
will traverse the provided path (or working
directory if none is provided) and generate clients for RPC methods
(pointed at Math.*
) declared on type Service
Given the following is in a *.go
file in your working directory,
package math
//go:generate glue -name Service -service Math
type Service struct{}
type SumArg struct {
Values []int
type SumReply struct {
Sum int
func (s *Service) Sum(arg SumArg, reply *SumReply) error {
for _, v := range arg.Values {
reply.Sum += v
return nil
go generate
would output the following to clients/Service.go
package client
import (
type Client interface {
Call(method string, args interface{}, reply interface{}) error
func NewMathClient(rpcClient Client) *Math {
c := new(Math)
c.RPC = rpcClient
return c
type Math struct {
RPC Client
func (c *Math) Sum(args math.SumArg) (*math.SumReply, error) {
reply := new(math.SumReply)
err := c.RPC.Call("Math.Sum", args, reply)
return reply, err
If you use gorilla/rpc, you're in luck! Just specify -gorilla
Glue always outputs code with client
package. By default, this is in ./client
, but
you can change the output directory via -out
To output code to STDOUT instead of files, supply -print
Glue is modular. If you'd like support for another popular (or interesting, well-maintained)
RPC implementation, open a PR to add a new Glue provider/
Unfortunately, Go doesn't allow dynamic loading of packages so if you'd like Glue
to support an internal or experimental RPC framework, fork Glue and supply another
in cmd/glue/main.go.